Saturday, April 26, 2014

God Rest You Parker Dozhier

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Parker Dozhier has now passed to the great beyond, he deserves a tribute so that in the praise of Bill and Hillary Clinton's slick suit thumper, Sidney Blumenthal, ya'll can get a glimpse of just how the game was played back in the day.

None of you have any idea how any of this played or how you were played and only comprehend a bit of how you are being played now because of this blog.

Just read the Dozhier segment and let your mind wander a bit, as it reveals how the Trapper makes their set, and gets everyone to work it.

Fur Industry Pioneer Parker Dozhier Passes | Trapper ...
Aug 29, 2012 - The trapping community mourns the loss of a true icon and friend as fur market expert Parker Dozhier passed away late Monday night.

Nuff said for now.

This sure as hell set off the spiders in this little post.
