Tuesday, May 13, 2014

1, 2, 3, 4.........Who are we fighting for?

This is really a very good article by Kurt Nimmo. It provides the insider tract in this, in what this blog stated from Day One, that the Ukraine was about the cartel taking that land from Vladimir Putin as punishment and a stepping stone into Russian Balkanization.

Yes you are now having nuclear missiles pointed at you for Monsanto, Cargill and Big Frac which having taken control over everything American, are now filleting off Ukraine to enslave all the Slavs again.

So you know this, Monsanto enslaves every American farmer with their Round up herbicide and pesticide crops. Cargill controls with George Soros and Archer Daniels all of American grain ownership as a monopoly marketing concern, and Big Frac has made Indians out of white North Dakotans in stealing all that oil.

Alex Jones site also mentions the reality that America is going to be an oil exporter in the next decade. That oil has to come from some place and it means America is going to be drilling and fracing oil in more locations.
So you get this, just picture Saudi Arabia with the ruling dynasties and the rest of us gophers managed as wards of the state, but instead of imported Asians, America will be imported Mexicans.

You are now in this Obama regime fighting as the 1960's protest songs warned over in corporate wars, with Putin evil for trying to save Slavic lands for Slavs and not slavery.

I am certain of one thing, as Germans do not want to die for Ukraine, I sure as blessed virgin do not want to die for Joe Biden's lack of ejaculatory control.

America is in danger of World War, because the cartel bought Joe Biden's little boy as a gigolo bribe, so American military might and NATO would try and intimidate Vladimir Putin to not throw these nation rapists out of Ukraine, the way he threw them out of Russia when he came to power.

From day one, America has been fighting wars FOR terrorists and not against them, and now America is starting a Neo Cold War, so Joe Biden's kid can get a job, and his owners can loot Ukraine as Americans get nuclear missiles waved at them by Russia.

As it needs to be stated, Joe Biden must resign over this or be impeached, and the Cave Child son needs to be prosecuted for insider trading on his father's name, as America is in economic war with Russia, over protecting Hunter Biden's employers.

nuff said


Country Joe McDonald - "Feel Like I'm Fixing To Die ...

Feb 21, 2007 - Uploaded by Leyla Beeblebrox
And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for don't ask me I don't ... ain't no time to wonder why ...

Joe Biden’s Son Appointed to Board of Ukraine’s Largest Gas Producer

Global elite do not disguise efforts to gobble up Ukraine’s natural resources

Kurt Nimmo
May 13, 2014
Hunter Biden, the son of Vice President Joe Biden, will lead the legal team of Burisma Holdings, the largest natural gas producer in Ukraine.
According to The West Wire News, Burisma Holdings is a considerable player within the Ukrainian natural gas and oil industry. It holds licenses covering the Dnieper-Donets, Carpathian and Azov-Kuban basins and has considerable reserves and production capability.
Hunter Biden is a groomed insider with connections to NED, the organization that did what the CIA did covertly 25 years ago. Photo: Burisma
Hunter Biden is a groomed insider with connections to NED, the organization that did what the CIA did covertly 25 years ago. Photo: Burisma
“Burisma’s track record of innovations and industry leadership in the field of natural gas means that it can be a strong driver of a strong economy in Ukraine. As a new member of the Board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the Company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine,” the Burisma Holdings website quotes Biden.
Biden is a lawyer with insider connections to the financial industry and government. In addition to holding directorship for the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition and The Center for National Policy, he sits on the Chairman’s Advisory Board for the National Democratic Institute (NDI). The NDI is a project of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the taxpayer funded organization that does what the CIA did covertly 25 years ago, according to one of its founders, Alan Weinstein.
For more on the role played by NDI, NED, George Soros and the State Department on the overthrow of the elected government of Ukraine and the installation of the current junta led by banker Arseniy Yatsenyuk, see our Nuland Audio Reveals State Department Role in Undermining Ukraine and Wayne Madsen’s Crisis in the Ukraine: USAID Support for Destabilization of Russia.
In March J.P. Sottile wrote about the economic interests of large transnational corporations in Ukraine. In addition to corporate agricultural giant Cargill’s buyout of UkrLandFarming, the world’s eighth-largest land cultivator and second biggest egg producer, Monsanto has expressed a “commitment to Ukraine” and “the importance of creating a favorable environment that encourages innovation and fosters the continued development of agriculture.”
The effort to improve the investment climate for large multinational corporations on the Russian border is spearheaded by the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, a non-profit NGO funded in part by ExxonMobil, Coca-Cola and Raytheon.
In April Hunter’s father trekked to Ukraine to show support for the junta led in part by fascists and ultra-nationalists. “There are currently ongoing threats to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the most effective response to that is for all of Ukraine to pull together,” an Obama administration said prior to Biden’s mission.
Beyond the standard rhetorical flourishes about democracy and freedom, Biden Senior’s trip was about securing a proper investment climate in Ukraine.
From The Washington Post on April 21:
The official said the U.S. energy consulting team will travel from here to Slovakia and Hungary to work on ways of reversing the flow of some of Ukraine’s pipelines now supplying Europe. Over the longer term, the official said, the U.S. government will work with Ukraine to help the government increase domestic gas production.