Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Obama Liberation

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

Most of what this story like most of what appears on the Lame Cherry is beyond the reach of the minds managed by Mockingbird, as if the story is not about European whores, Obama's rectal region or football, the public has no understanding in the flat world, what really is taking place over the round world horizon.

Obama is Filipino merchant class in origin in his Mum Anna Chin. That is absolutely known as his birth abstract named father, Barack sr. stated to immigration authorities who recorded it that his "American wife was then back in the Philippines".
That was not Stan Ann, but the Chinese Japanese woman from Manila known as the anchor wife for Barack sr. for his sojourn in America.

The person known as Barack Obama jr. was a Chinoid and transformed into a Designer Negro. Obama is no more Negroid than Brad Pitt was for making a semen deposit in Robin Givens.

The Philippines is key to understanding Birther Hussein, because in the Bambang province area of highland people, there was in the early part of the 20th century a most interesting revolution taking place.
The American Governor there noted that in 1906 banners would be screaming about INDEPENDENCE, but after a few years of American interaction, the banners changed to "WE NEED AN ARTESIAN WELL DUG".

There was a movement in this and it must be understood, in knowing the black Jesuit robes who created black liberation in America which is communism. The same Pater Pope is a black robe Jesuit in charge of the Vatican.
The Americans were given the Philippines by the other European powers in exchange for their later help in the genocide of Germans in World War I which was being staged.

So when Americans took over in the Spanish American War, the Philippines, who ran religion there under the Spanish regime, but the Vatican which lost out in the absolute control structure in the feudal regime.

At Bambang, there was a real division taking place. The Filipinos as a group no matter which tribe is named are a peaceful group and not prone to insurrections. It is into this that a Belgian Dominican padre, the order of St.  Dominic, in their black mantels, related that Bambang had a large population of PROTESTANTS.
The reason for this was, the Vatican and the Aglipays who founded the "native church" had a sharp rivalry with those who were not secessionists. The Aglipays were secessionists and heading the native church with Rome.
In other words, it was this group which was fomenting native liberation, and numbers of Filipinos wanted peace in their religion, so had become Protestants over the errors of Rome.

This blog was the only source showing the direct link from the Marxists of the Jesuits in a global doctrine which was preaching anti American and pro Marxist views, and it was Obama who went of Jesuit Georgetown where they covered up the Name of Jesus for Obama to appear.

In logical reality, when the Spanish regime was ruling the peons of the Philippines, the Vatican was fine with the order, but when the Americans liberated the island, it appears the Aglipay and Roman leadership were fomenting a counter revolution to seize back control.
Do you comprehend why Barack Obama is Jesuit black liberation linked? These Jesuits found a way to gain power in communist states, to help control the people for the dictators, which supplanted the other religions.

These realities are vital to understand in Obama in the patterns of what brought him to power, and it all fuses back into his Chinoid merchant class caste out of the Philippines.

The Corazon Aquino coup which removed the Americans from presence in the Philippines was this same Jesuit Marxist order seizing control over that island people again and it is why it was celebrated by American media and why it was pushed through by the American 5th column.
There was never any people power. It was feudal power being installed.

I will not let you forget that when the Filipino President appeared with Obama at Washington, that Obama blurted out the oddest thing in "the most important people are those who are American Filipino ancestry".

None of that made sense, until you comprehend that Obama was speaking of his own ancestry as a Chinoid with Anna Chin his egg donor.

This is all Obama's roots and what Fang Jinn the image of Obama is in mirage of. It is what is been hidden. It is why his half sister in Indonesia was murdered just as she started to speak to the media in what she knew of the little Barry Soetoro who was tying her up and beating her as a child.

The reason Obama has  been money debt dumping into Peking from the US Treasury is due to his Chinese dominant bloodlines in those merchants outside Manila.

Obama overthrew America for the feudal lords. Who is Obama but a conduit of the Marxist management. Who gets control of the masses, but these Mockingbird ministers like Limbaugh and Levin telling the frogs to boil a little bit more until they are well done by the fires instead of rising in revolt.

This group hates Americans and the Filipinos at Bambang by evidence did not want a revolution, but peace in their own land.

You have all of these "experts" in information being fed you, which has no understanding in the least of the real German history, real Asian history etc.... so all of them get wide eyed and go blank stare like you as none have any experience with the origins of what is coming or where Obama's nativity is to understand him.

I do what I can to get the brain cap off of you by pouring in douses of what you need to know, but this is all foreign to you as you are stuck on 20th century stupid.

Donate you rich misers and stop making my life a living hell!!!!!!!
