Monday, July 21, 2014

Nigger Lowlights

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

I continue to place before the public a record of the propaganda of "blacks" in America. In the short quote below, is from a French child named William Drannan, who was born on the Atlantic as his parents immigrated to America in the 1830's.
The parents died of cholera and the 4 year old William was taken into the custody of a bachelor farmer who owned negroes.

The following is the reality of William Drannan's existence at the hands of blacks as he was "property" in America as a white child kept among the slaves, who were not those noble creatures of fiction, but as brutish as any animal mob.

"Drake never even undertook to teach me the difference between good and evil, and my only associates were the little negro boys that belonged to Drake, or the neighbors. The only person who offered to control or correct me was an old negro woman, who so far from being the revered and beloved "Black Mammy," remembered with deep affection by many southern men and women, was simply a hideous black tyrant. She abused me shamefully, and I was punished by her not only for my own performances that displeased her, but for all the meanness done by the negro boys under her jurisdiction.

Naturally these negro boys quickly learned that they could escape punishment by falsely imputing to me all of their mischief and I was their scape-goat. Often Drake's negro boys went over to General Jackson's plantation to play with the negro boys over there and I frequently accompanied them. One day the old General asked me why I did not go to school. But I could not tell him. I did not know why.

I have known since that I was not told to go and anyone knows that a boy just growing up loose, as I was, is not likely to go to school of his own accord. I do not propose to convey to the reader the idea that I was naturally better than other boys, on the contrary, I frequently deserved the rod when I did not get it, but more frequently received a cruel drubbing when I did not deserve it, that, too, at the hands of the old negro crone who was exceedingly violent as well as unjust. This, of course, cultivated in me a hatred against the vile creature which was little short of murderous.

However, I stayed on and bore up under my troubles as there was nothing else to do, so far as I knew then, but "grin and bear it." This until I was fifteen years old."

You will never see in media the real historic record of what American life was really like. Here is a young boy having a worse existence than any Oliver Twist, and yet it is never featured. All one ever gets are Ken Burns Negro Spirituals for the propaganda or some Gone With the Wind Mammy.

Here is a record of black slave children never being worked, and who was it that was being abused, but a white child, by blacks.

For those uncomfortable with these realities, you can return to your movies and award winning documentaries to soothe your ravaged breasts.
