Saturday, August 2, 2014

Led by a French Hand

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is boorish and ignorance the way some draw Burke or Jefferson as weapons which they contend no one may parry with.

I provide the following quote in the autobiography of President George Washington by Henry Cabot Lodge.

"The delirium of the French Revolution was not confined to France. Her soldiers bore with them the new doctrines, while far beyond the utmost reach of her armies flew the ideas engendered in the fevered air of Paris. Wherever they alighted they touched men and stung them to madness, and the madness that they bred was not confined to those who believed the new gospel, but was shared equally by those who resisted and loathed it.

Burke, in his way, was as much crazed as Camille Desmoulins, and it seemed impossible for people living in the midst of that terrific convulsion of society to retain their judgment."

Yes Edmund Burke, often quoted and deluded as much as Thomas Jefferson by the murderous French revolt.

It would become even the great spectre to the Federalists in spooking Alexander Hamilton. For the revolt against religion, party, morals and property of France, certainly would become the cauldron of America in their thought, and Thomas Jefferson would rise from his lurking poison pen to become a decapitator like Robespierre."

That great Patriot, Alexander Hamilton would lay down his life, because of the French upheaval which was being fanned to flames in America by Thomas Jefferson. The reality of why Alexander Hamilton appeared at the duel with Aaron Burr,w was only for one reason alone, and that was Alexander Hamilton, Patriot, though the Jefferson arsonists of America, would start an inferno there, and Alexander Hamilton concluded if he did not stand up in this duel, that he would not have the standing to lead American military forces as head of the Army when the final anarchy came.

The weeds of French anarchy brought forth the Alien and Sedition Act, due to Thomas Jefferson's sedition of America by his democratic party wed to the French regime.
George Washington remained calm, but as as his mark, he approved of the Act as he desired in the Revolution to root out the vermin of Tories in America and hang those who their treason required.

George Washington wrote to Alexander Spotswood in 1798, who was lecturing about the unConstitutionality of the Alien and Sedition Act, which former President Washington lectured back.

"a certain description of men in our country have already driven, and seem resolved further to drive matters, and then ask themselves if it is not time and expedient to resort to protecting laws against aliens (for citizens, you certainly know, are not affected by that law), who acknowledge no allegiance to this country, and in many instances are sent among us, as there is the best circumstantial evidence to prove, for the express purpose of poisoning the minds of our people and sowing dissensions among them, in order to alienate their affections from the government of their choice, thereby endeavoring to dissolve the Union"

Yes George Washington revealed the Truth, these laws were against foreigners overthrowing the United States in aiding sedition.

George Washington prophesied that the Federalist Republicans, if they did not keep with principles instead of upholding men, then the Federalists under John Adams would be defeated in the next election and they were."

It is one of the dichotomies of history in France in friendship assisted in birthing America, and France in revolution pulled up the roots of George Washington's Federalism and laid root to the weeds of Thomas Jefferson democrats which are still an infestation as America was plunged into her end in the 21st century.

The greatest political minds in the world in Jefferson and Burke were carried away by the French Revolution. George Washington was not.

That is the difference between the political mind and the mind of American reason.
