Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Black Busher

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was just thinking about how silent things are. Silence is Nigger, as the only ones who seem to be spouting out are these Afroids busy about calling each other Nigger, because that is how Barack Hussein Obama Chin has made them all feel.
You do not get this as blacks do not understand that Birther Obama instilled in them the feeling of the need to degrade themselves and white people do not comprehend this as they never did get all that Nigger talk.

The reason the word Nigger has manifested in blacks so overtly now, is they are completely frustrated with their token boy in the White House, stereotyping them all in black face paint as stupid, lazy, over sexed Negroids.

The silence though is fascinating as you see the intelligent blacks all realizing their efforts of a lifetime have gone up in sooty smoke.

Where is Bill Cosby? You have to use a shoe horn to get Jesse Jackson to comment on anything. Al Sharpton is in hiding, as none of these blacks in being the children of Martin King and Father of Soul, want nothing to do with this Birther Obama image, as it embarasses the black out of them.

That Obama selfie was about the lowest blow the black male in America could receive from Birther Obama. There you had Obama at a black terrorist's funeral in Nelson Mandela, and the image's wife is sitting there scowling as the shapeshifter is getting all jiggy with his gay white sex partner and the blonde woman for a threesome.

You never got that did you in what was going on there did you? Obama Jinn was re enacting what black women experience all the time, in their over sexed men folk getting wanker with white guys whose wifes will not suck dick, and the black folk get to plough the white wife as their whore's payment.

You still did not get that in Birther Jinn was repeating Frank Marshall Davis as another Chicago pansy, being brought into Stan Amour and Maddy Dunham's bedsack. That was the threesome on display at Nelson Mandela's terrorist rally.

You would never see Bill Cosby come out shuffling, or Eddie Murphy dangling blondes off his arm, as those Martin King blacks understood the meaning of it all in avoiding it.
Their biggest angst is the reincarnated twat of Michael Jackson in Obama's Beyonce trying to look uber white, and then watching Michelle Robinson Obama so reject blackness  that she has no white face paint now and blonde highlights.
The Obama's in the White House hate blacks and being black, and that is the reality of it all. You never saw Laura Bush or Hillary Clinton dying their hair nappy black and wearing Nigger green pants with animal print tube tops. Yet there is Muchelle going white against her race like Beyonce in Lewinski'ing her Niggah in the back of a limo.

I have real sympathy in the white morons in this who thought they were exercising their Nigger Knockin' as Senator Jim Webb used to do in college. If you need a refresher in that soiled past, rich liberal white boys would ride around in cars and for sport find a few Niggers on the corner, doing what Niggers do in hanging out, and the white boys would jump out and beat the hell out of the Niggers for fun on Friday nights.
Look you got your Peggy Noonan's and Ann Coulter's who were looking to get soiled by a Nigger, so they were in the Obama polling booth, but the Nigger Knockers all were voting for Obama to make up for the guilt they had.......the women just wanted to be whores as dirtying them up gets them off, and you will notice it was the bitchy bottle blondes who like it rough in bed who all swung over to Obama, as white guys are not gay in liking hearing an endless parade of 'bitch, ho, cunt, muthafuckah' as they are having sex, a sex for them is not some demon exercise.

It is the point in this in John Fogerty of Creedence Clearwater Revival. That redneck had nothing but hatred for Bush, a real psychotic in writing songs about "Georgie" for David Letterman, over stuff like what Obama is doing 1000 times worse, but you never hear a peep out him now in being responsible for all of Obama's sins.

Bruce Springstein is still mouthing off about Chris Christy, but hey not a word about the slaughterfest of the Obama regime globally, nothing about the Obama Super Depression, nothing about the genocide of blacks by abortion under Obama as black women now apparenlty after Obama do not want anymore of that coming into the world.
Yeah the black man is reduced to calling themselves Niggers as Obama makes them feel that way and the black woman is ripping their race out of their womb as they do not want to be associated with Niggers any more.

You do not even hear that little Paul Simon relishing in his Obama vote. Where the bugger is Sir Paul McCartney crooning at Muchelle again, again and again?

All of these Pat Benatar liberals have created this Obamamess, and now have fled the scenes of the crimes in being so filled with revulsion over what they did.

You fully recall the long Obama parade of Brad and Angelina, Steve Spielberg, Rob Reiner, Opie Howard........ah you do recall Tom and Mrs. Hanks right, slumming it up for a few quickies in the orgy of Obama and my oh my, crawfish hootie pie, how all of them have just Obama disappeared.

Look it must be difficult for the Mort Zuckerman and Lawrence O'Donnell type of intellectuals. Just think of poor Charlie Rose in his masterful liberal mind, stuck beside Oprah's Gayle snatch every day making excuses for how stupid Obama is, when Mort wrote Obama's speeches for the Jews and Larry was jointed at the hip as a black busher.
You never hear from Robert DiNiro either, another fellow black busher, who gets off on dark pussy as that is where you don't have to deal with all that white and Asian nonsense.........

Oh you think I am making this up eh? From the mouth of a black man, on Oprah Donahue Sally Jessie television stated that for the first time in his life, he was making love and it was with a white woman, as black women were nothing but f*cking.
Oh you think I am making it up when white women relate in the same liberal genre that being with a black man is like having a jackhammer go off like a mechanical dildo in nothing else going on.

Just like humans who like reptiles as pets as they desire no puppy interaction, those choosing Afroid sex want no attachment to emotions in sex.....and the non sexually educated black has no idea what the action is, due to it just being getting the business done.

Those are the testimonies from the black bushers and from liberal media, all now sanitized away, as Bill Cosby just wants to wash this sullying of Martin King away, and we all could go back to Mammie in Gone with the Wind fiction, that little jack offs like Chris Matthews and the Bell family of the Young and the Restless yearn for the simulation of, now that Obama has let them all down.

Yeah that George W. Bush was a real asshumper problem. Struck terrorists after 9 11, saved America from a global depression, won two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, hung Sadam Hussein, drove Sheik bin Laden into Chinese exile, put everyone into their own homes, 5% unemployment and gas at 1.87 a gallon.

Odd how with the above realities of George W. Bush, that John Fogerty is not out taking credit for all the wonders of Barack Hussein Obama.

Black bushers.
