Sunday, November 2, 2014

How a Revolution is Formed

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When one looks at any of the Obama overthrows of Muslim nationalist governments, one wonders how something like Syria could blow up with just one visit from an Obama ambassador from Iraq.

The prototype for revolution was revealed by Herbert Hoover in the following in a memo from Woodrow Wilson, when the French, not content about carving off half of Germany for Poland, hacking off pieces for the lowland nations, chopping of Bavaria, were instigating a Rhineland nation off of Germany too.

The following is telling:

This morning General Mangin, the general commanding the French Army in Mainz, sent a colonel on his Staff to General Liggett's headquarters at Coblenz, to ask what our attitude would be with regard to a political revolution on the left bank of the Rhine with a view to establishing a free Rhineland republic, independent of Germany. He asked what the American attitude would be toward such a new republic. "The staff officer assures us that they had fifty deputies ready to come into the American zone to help to put the revolution in motion. The meaning of the word deputies in this connection was not clearly understood, but it was manifest that Frenchmen were referred to."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

Fifty Frenchmen in 1919, literally could overthrow a German province.

Now you at least know how all these spontaneous revolts took place under Birther Obama. It seems impossible to do it, but there are not necessary large volumes of people to flip any nation or state, and this has been going on for all the 20th and the 21st century.

nuff said
