Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Command and Control

St. James teaches us that people do not have what they ask for from God because they would consume those things upon their lusts, instead of rightly utilizing them to Glorify God.

I add to this by Inspiration that there is a triad in this, including a base of satanic resistance as St. Paul teaches that he was hindered by satan on missionary work that he desired to embark upon, and that is people do not understand the COMMAND and CONTROL principle of prayer.

I would submit that all of you tell God how to do things in prayer as you know what you want. God though is the One in control and God teaches in Isaiah that we are not supposed to be lecturing Him how to do things.
In the same reality, Jesus teaches us that we are to command in "mountains" or obstacles being moved. There is a vast difference in all of this in commanding objects and situations, and commanding God to snap to it, to come up with the winning lottery numbers, and then being furious at God for not giving us the fortune that we have proven we can not even maintain a credit card and have been wasting His money on swimming pools or piled up in Wall Street.

There is nothing wrong with informing God that we want things that appeal to us. TL is a perfect example in this, in I had to wait a long time for TL, and I made mistakes in impatience in looking to others, in trying to make things happen, instead of waiting on God.
Yes we are told that God helps those who help themselves, which is not in the Bible, even if God requires actions to act upon sometimes, but praying to God and expecting results is the correct prayer as God does have the best out there for each of His children, even if the waiting is frustrating at times.

Your mouth speaks great amounts of evil for you and others do the same. My brother in the last conversation was telling me that "he knew it would be hard to find land", but I was not about to let that stick for satan, so I corrected, "We will pray to God and God will come through with the land", and with that my brother backed down. I am not about to allow things to be made harder or the same, as a great deal of this problem came from others interfering who I had trusted, and I know that things will sort themselves out and God will make it easy, as He always does, but it takes Joseph keeping the Faith, even in setbacks in Egyptian slavery and prison, as God does have the Promise and the best outcome is waiting.

So by managing or guiding your tongue, you have authority in Christ to command all in this world, including rebuking and  binding demons who are against the Faithful. You have the Promise to take all things to the Father and the Father will sort things out for the best for you.
St. Paul wanted a wife, but God told him NO. Think of it if Paul served a spouse or Paul had children he would be swayed by, or children who like most children of risen people, turn out badly. God saw the future as much as Hezekiah who was supposed to die, and then by prayer lived to have a son he wanted, and that son, Manasseh, turned out to be the most apostate ruler in Israelite history, bringing her to exile.

The lesson of Obama is a perfect example in that. Americans and Europeans thought putting a faux black into office in vote fraud, in order to end their guilt and prove they were not racists. All the Obama image did in replacing Christ was making sinners worse sinners and destroying America.
People always think they know better than God in grabbing the steering wheel, and in the end, they go off the cliff into the abyss to their destruction.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righetous and all things will be added to you. That is pretty simple, but people neglect the God first part in His Plan and being in Right Standing with God in obeying His Laws, and then the things of this world are there for you to manage.
Jesus taught in the parable of the talents, how the servants were first given one coin to prove they were faithful in His absence, and then they got the city Governorship after proving by actions they were Faithful. People lose sight of that reality, as they grab for crowns.

The reality is, God knows all you need, want and desire, even lust for. He knows what will destroy you and what will make you unhappy. Sometimes, He might give you what you want to teach you a lesson you will not learn to prove the point, but often enough, He will protect you just like you would protect your idiot children or dog, from playing in the street. You have things you need to do, and that is to with the Holy Ghost become a Spiritual creation for the Kingdom of God. You need to obey God's Laws, then when you are asking God for things to be provided for you, that you trust God to work it out in His Way to give you those things. In most cases, God's Way is far too creative and far too much waiting and upheaval, but you will receive what you asked for, not for your destruction, but for God's Peace.

The meaning is to believe God in prayer in asking God for what you want, no matter how silly others might think it is. God never thinks prayers are silly. He made silly things to be enjoyed as much as serious things. You have authority in Christ to move things, obstacles from your life in commanding them, but you do not command God to do things.

You are responsible for policing yourselves. You do not get a nice care to drive around rubbing it in other people's faces or to fornicate in the back seat. You do not get a nice car to replace God in thinking about it more than God.

God never forgets things I prayed for, even years ago, and He still fulfills them. I do not like the wait, but I am not God in figuring things out and knowing better. Some of my prayers probably require people to die to free up things, as like my neighbor said this morning about some machinery, the guy who collected his, had like 25 balers. Yes America has enough money, but when the horders on Wall Street have it all, that means the majority of people who created that money are poor.

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, Bless we the Name of the Lord. That was Inspired by Job, a man who had it all, and satan took it all away, and God restored it many fold more. Most times, you are going to have to sit in the ashes and your best gem is a broken pot to scrape your boils.
God does watch you in adversity to see how you trust in Him, and not retaliate on others or go off and vote yourself a new Obama to messiah you to a moment of delusion.

Most people are failures, and rich failuers, and God is not going to enable that. satan will to enabling you to hell, but God does not fashion you that way. You are either on God's side or satan's side. If you think you are going to drag God to your way of thinking, you are of a satanic mind warp, as you get on God's side and stand there and trust in God to bring about all things for your good.

I can point to the good children of this blog, and none of them in writing to us, has a perfect life. They have good things in those lives God is building, but they have attacks of illness, bad relatives, family upheaval, poverty, things going wrong and all the things that sinners have. The difference is in the good children, is they remain Faithful to God and God nurtures them and sorts things out in this Spiritual journey.

 Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

- Aristotle

When a Greek egg head can figure it out, that it is discipline and not license which forms a pattern in life which produces a better life, then anyone should be able to read that same thing in the Bible and work on that construct to bring them a Cratchet and Fenniwig life from A Christmas Carol.
satan often enough makes certain that no good deed goes unpunished, but you still keep doing the good deeds, as no one ever loses sleep or feels bad about doing something good. Last week in town, I took a shopping cart back for a gal in wheelchair and helped an old gal in relieving her from the shopping cart I just had which was hard to push. I do not state that to brag, but God does put things in all people's way to do good, and it is the little things that matter and never get noted here, but God notes them.

Work on pleasing God in being right with Him. Control your out of control tongue, start the process of receiving things from God in praying for them, expecting them from God, and command the demonic to not have place, and those things which are in the way as obstacles to be moved, so that you can have those things to Glorify God.

This is not a 30 second prayer, a 12 hour sleep and a 12 hour television watching thing. It is a work in progress which progresses, exactly like a job. What you put into it correctly is what you receive out of this.

Command yourself first and give God full control into bringing things to the conclusion you are looking for.
