Monday, December 15, 2014
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Many things I learn are things which give me pause as no one has ever addressed these things, and I wonder at times in why I am so blessed to find these revelations.
I once prayed for a puppy, an Irish Setter/Golden Retriever named Ruby after my Beloved Uncle. She had a good life, but a hard life at the latter part, and I nursed her through to her temporal end.
I learned from Ruby that she was around after she left her body, as animals which are around Spiritual people transform to a Spiritual nature. Ruby has surprised me in touching me, and appearing before traumatic events.
In a conversation with my Brother, he mentioned that one night he woke up and saw Ruby after she left her body. This was after his puppy had died, and he was unnerved by it as he got up and went to the bathroom and there Ruby was in the bedroom, before she disappeared.
Ruby is a busy puppy it seems. As of the past month, a number of my pets and TL's have appeared around us from the past. I do not know if these animals are always around or it is a matter of just perceiving it now, but the reality is Ruby has been active.
Her last venture was one of appearing with a herd of pets I had from my youth. Some as in the original Golden Setter I had was named Dixie and things did not go so well, but Ruby had a plan and it was healing that divide to give closure to this for the future.
I do not know if this is common, or if pets are out there waiting until people die to get things sorted out. I just am aware of Ruby and the things she has been about. She surprises me as I know she is there by a wave of realizing she is there.
All of this would be much easier with less destractions in the cares of the world. I presume I am missing so much in just trying to live.
I post on this at TL mentioning I should. It will help those who have inklings their pets visit them so they do not think they are nuts. In that too, we all have to try the spirits as I could see demons using this to distract or deceive, but I can only discern what is in my arena. It does help though knowing I will have numbers of pets who were good to me around again.
I reckon that God does not deal with such things, as it would cause all sorts of idiot religion and raising animals to human status which they are not. It is just a matter that good animals to God continue on apparently.
Ruby apparently is most active as she has things to do. Am pleased at her doing in helping to fix things. I never dreamed of these things and yet here it is something which took place by God's Grace. It is not for me to question why, but to marvel at this and ponder it all in my heart.
This is not religion. It is not Salvation. It simply is a reality of Ruby I have experienced, am thankful for and enjoy.