Saturday, January 31, 2015


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am not Art Flemming and this is not Jeopardy..........yeah you got to back a few for you Alex Trebec and replacement hosts to know that song.

"The best authority on the breeds used by the Arabs of Northern Africa is probably General E. Daumas, who held high commands in Algeria and was for a time the French Consul at Mascara. The Chasseurs d'Afrique are mounted on Barbs, and thus the capabilities of these horses were of practical importance to this office."

Gilbey, Walter, Sir, lst bart., 1831-1914. Small horses in warfare

I care not for the above information except to note that the French went to Mascara, and the females there were all eye shadow, and that set it off in France, and that is why women globally got the face paint on from north African women.

Well I do care about the Barbs as horses. I like comparing the 14 hand high beasties.
