Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Seven Days of Christmas spiritual Warfare

My children, this is a teaching from current lessons which we are being burdened by. The details will get in the way, but this is about the revelation of how much Christians can be attacked and hindered by when someone or some group of people have focused selfish wills upon others and the demonic keys off on this.

I can not explain, other than God utilizes this to try our hearts and see our responses, but I will confess to having breaking points in this, and really being upset.

This all started long ago, but this version began on December 24th, in which a person or people decided that we were going to have a ruined Christmas. The first salvo was a conversation which came out of the blue which stunned me in questioning things I had already sorted out for our future.
Christmas arrived with more gloom and foreboding feelings, and by the afternoon I had the words playing non stop in my head from an outside source of, "Worst Christmas Ever". I was not going to allow it, but from the day not turning out right, my developing an instant case of diarrhea, which caused a hemorrhage in which blood was running down my legs.......I simply smiled and said, "They will not win and this is not the worst Christmas ever."

I am trying to think of all the garbage which has been taking place, but I did put these people's thoughts back onto them, and things got better in the emotional sense......and then a new series of events erupted.

The weather turned horrid after being prayed warm and dry. This delays the shed I have to get done before baby goatikins arrive in January. One goat decided to bunt me in the groin........which reminds me how one doe went wild for no reason two nights in a row, and broke a panel, broke metal fastener to another goat pen and all things were in turmoil with other goats all over the place.
Same with Baby Belle went on terror in the house the same evenings. Something as in a demon was around here and it was being picked up by the animals.
Do not think that animals alone are the recipients of this stuff, as our good neighbor started acting heinous this past summer which stunned all. I know what the reality was in someone has willed that "Mom would need me", and sure enough Mom did need me a great deal to get me back here with TL.
As of our arrival, the neighbor is now sedate again........and is acting normal. That was a demon raising hell with him, and some demon used a corporate ag to rip out Mom's fence for more problems.

There is great resistance to all what TL and I are doing. These forces are from people's wills and it is quite perplexing. They will be overcome, but now we come to December 29.
I mentioned to Mom, I might have smelled a dead mouse as one got caught on a sticky trap. On impulse she sprayed some noxious perfume which about put TL and I into toxic shock. To get some air, we opened the windows and tried to air the place out without becoming hypothermic, but the perfume would not leave.
Next morning, I was still upset, but explained things to Mom, and then aired the place out again, whereby the furnace kicked on and sounded like a jet engine going off. It repeated that a few we got a guy out who cleaned the burner, and then the thing started sounding like it was backfiring.
Lovely problems for over 100 dollar repair bill which repaired nothing.
This got worse and we had to call another repairman after hours as no one would come out to explore why the furnace was exploding each time it shut off. Short story, the burner tube is now cracked and the cartel has monopolized the heating industry in no replacement the furnace is popping each time it is running, and it is of course below zero weather now making it worse......and the good news is furnaces are 2000 dollars which Mom does not have.
Never fear as freezing to death is always an option as it is only January now, and spring is 4 months away.

So we have been trying to do some kind of options on this, and everything in going wrong in jumping through hoops. I can not find any replacement parts and the lovely replacement is something like pie in the sky, as we are still not in the position of our own place and the month it would take to build a mason type stove......which would do Mom no good as the weight would drop it through the living room floor.

Even in trying to get information to people, the FAX numbers would not work........they would hook up and then disconnect half way through. I know the signs with 40 minutes to closing time, people not telling us all that has to get done, until a third call back, and we having no FAX or another drive to the library, and after 2.75 in costs, we got the information to the people, with the woman on the phone nursing it all through to complete the send.
I know what NSA screwing around is like, and I recognize what demons in the wire is like.....and this is demons in the wire, as I was having problems even with the hay on the fork to wires breaking on that broken fastener this morning. Something and someone is really putting the nut to us.

Oh and one morning in these days, I woke up with the worst burning like a cross between sciatic nerve and bladder infection............and sure enough I get a pre screening letter for cancer in the mail that very day. I rejected it all in Jesus Name, as I know what demon sowing on thoughts is like. Someone is trying to get me sick to stop this and I am not in Jesus going to be ill. I refuse it as even the laundry left a reminder of bleeding on my jeans I washed today coming out of the dryer.

It gets better in one day the screws for the metal siding refused to bind in being "too short". When we had to get a few more boards of lumber, the end gate fell down as we were driving home on the asphalt, and by God's Angels the wood stayed in 20 feet long boards, and were not destroyed nor caused an accident for a semi which was coming.
See I know what demons in the wires are, and this is some horrid stuff which is going to wash back and give more torment on those than they ever dreamed.

So TL, Mom and I just get up, I did poorly in this in losing my temper the morning of the stove explosion in being loud with Mom in yelling that this all started with that damn spraying of perfume, which I know is an impulse from demons. I have impulses hit me too, but most are sexual in nature and I train myself not to allow that to stand as that is only trouble I will not engage in.
I make note of my failings and those things even devout Christians make mistakes in acting out with to teach you how all of this works and when it is aimed at me, it can be aimed at you in like ways when you become the center target.

It has all been stressful, but we are moving ahead. I will trust God will make things work out for the best. It helps to at least do things to fight back..........oh and who should be like a 3rd ovary for me today, but that evil teacher I have spoken of directly in front of me today making sounds. I sort of tried to hit the old geezer with my shopping cart as I swung it to turn, but missed him by 8 inches.
Then he followed some other female lapping at her footsteps. As stated I am human at times, and I never truly meant to cart the old prick, but it was fun at least getting the time I cut the corner a bit fast and he was walking across the street......made that old bastard do the high step that time to get out of the way.

I wonder if that is why the policeman tooted his horn at me today when in town..........or I hope tooted at someone else as I do not like the attention of police.

This is about spiritual attacks, influence and assaults and is what you must comprehend. There has been a pile more little things which have happened like I just knocked for the second time a can of bag balm on a plant crushing it, which does not happen.....but something is expending a great amount of energy attempting to piss things up.

It is though the walk in Christ as the furnace a former Warm Morning stove popped on, and sounds like a concussion going the blog here refuses to recognize what I wrote, as it refused to allow the cursor to move when I started.......but I looked at Scripture by the Holy Ghost and it says I win in the Victory in Christ and no weapon formed against me will prevail. I will cut off mine enemies in the Name of the Lord and I will resist the devil and it will flee from us.

It is what 2014 AD ended with, and many people had like endings in injuries in third degree burns, recovering from holiday exposure to familial soul suckers, and needing bionic hips which will have them better than the 6 Million Dollar Man in no time. My cousins who played ball both had their hips done just a few weeks ago and neither are retirement age, but it is the way things are in things are taking place which are taking place for the better and 2015 AD in the year of our Lord brings greater tribulation, but even when the vine withers we bless the Lord with all of our hearts and minds, because God will see us through.

It is the law of Newton in equal and opposite reaction. That opposing force can only create a wave so long before it starts collapsing. I told you the Obama image had a vast wave generated several times, and it is imploding. These attacks will wash back with...........oh my the stove just went BOOM, and it startled me, but with the washing back it will all return and we will be in God's Peace.

I have to cut this off now as brother is due to phone and we have second part of My Fair Lady to watch and I like the Higgins in it amazing when you have the sword which cuts off the most heads, that you get to decide which is the proper English pronunciation of the ruling class and all we other folks get the bills for 2000 dollar stoves and talking like Cockney girls.
