Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Changing of the Clip

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The thing is about espionage and intelligence gathering is not the James Bond flare, but the reality that pertains more to hiring the local whore and listening to what she has to say about her pillow talk with some john.

- Lame Cherry

I listen a great deal, even when napping as one finds a great deal of information if one knows what they are listening to, as people are always telling you what is really going on in their minds, and important things are always going on in their minds which comes spilling out.

Take for example some information I came across, which will probably be plagiarized by Breitbart's mole site now that he was neutralized, the same way the story broken here in the regime was overloading the ammunition buys to keep consumers from getting ammo, is what was behind those billion round buy outs.............and no one gave me rightful credit again.

This is about reality of Pete Brownell.

Yes you probably have never heard of Pete, but those in the know, recognize the name Brownell, as the family run company which has provided a service for gunsmiths for generations out of heartland America.

Mr. Brownell is the second Vice President of the National Rifle Association and will soon be the first Vice President, and if the voting goes American, he will be the next President of the NRA in just a few years.

It is what Mr. Brownell was saying that caught my attention as he was dealing with business in selling things to firearms advocates, in he mentioned the reality of 22 ammunition supply has vanished in these United States. After that fact, he then related that he has scoured the globe, and has been advocating global ammunition makers to add to production.
This is interesting as it states that the American arsenal is overbooked as has been known. I know for a fact that stores like Cabelas, the employees are sweeping ammunition coming into the stockrooms and before it gets out on the floor, they are buying it up and selling it at inflated prices to consumers in other venues........22 ammunition being a chief target.

I am getting to the heart of this matter my children and my brats, so be patient as the punchline is coming.

Brownell who is probably going to be the next Harlan Carter, or an America advocate inside the NRA for real gun ownership, stated that in 18 months the 22 ammunition supply would be relieved.

This for many people reading this is "big deal", to what the "hell difference does that make and why should I care?", thinking which has missed the reality of all of this.

We have Pete Brownell who is around 18 months from now going to be heading the NRA.

We have Pete Brownell stating as a businessman that in 18 months the ammunition supply in America is about to be relieved.

What else happens in 18 months my darling pets? Why it is 2015 AD in the year of our Lord now............that would make June 2016 AD in the year of our Lord in which things are going to start changing again.

Why it was around June in 2008 that the Obama gangsters started taking over America, and in patterns it means that someone else is going to be taking over, in what has already been decided upon in policy which is going to be pro gun in 2016.

You can project this out right? Let me do the work again in Inspiration for you though, as if ammunition supply is going to be relieved in 22's, then that means contracts by the Obama regime will have been filled.......or manufacturers are going to be in the position of expanding production to consumers in arming them with cartridges so they do not just have expensive wood and metal tubes that look like guns.

That is the intelligence in this, in the first real sign that something has changed. The forces who were buying up ammunition and depriving Americans of ammunition are reaching a vanishing point as of 2016 again.

These are the groups which control a Jeb Bush and a Hillary Clinton, and these are the forces who really do not have an affection for teh Obama, Bush or Clinton types. This is a definitive watch because if the Bill Casey Associates are in this mix, it changes everything.

That means the NRA which was hijacked by those LaPierre minders for the BATF is trending toward being pro gun again. It means that the intelligence behind it, is allowing this trend, as much as the releasing of ammunition manufacturers from discartridging Americans to make their guns worthless. It means that a triple date has coordinated in the NRA control, ammunition availability and the 2016 Presidential and Congressional elections are not a thing of chance.
Someone is moving this and once again you have a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter so far into the future that no one has even contemplated that this intelligence even exists.

You do not need Lindsey Williams insiders or Ulsterman's backdoor Bobs, if you will just listen to what the people who are involved in business just happen to blurt out in idle conversation.

I will leave this as nuff said, as I don't want all that plagiarism of this blog to have all the details of how this becomes future horizon points.
