Friday, February 13, 2015

Game Set and Putin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is official in the image of Obama has deprived Americans of affordable firearms from Russia while it has overseen the division of the Ukraine, and the setting of the stage for World War IV, the first battle of which will leave a city which will be ploughed by farmers after the WMD's dissapate.

That is the reality of the Ukraine deal, in President Vladimir Putin was awarded eastern Ukraine, the western National Socialist regime of West Ukraine was given an IMF bribe to sell that nation, and that money will be absorbed by none other than Ukraine carpetbagger George Soros who has been busy buying up all good things Ukrainian since this started.

Marathon talks produce Ukraine peace deal; cease-fire Sunday
MINSK, Belarus (AP) — The peace deal reached Thursday for Ukraine, if it holds, would be a partial win for both Moscow and Kiev: Ukraine retains the separatist eastern regions and regains...
World News - Associated Press Feb 12, 2:02 pm CT
 • Marathon talks produce Ukraine peace deal; cease-fire Sunday
 • A look at who got what in peace deal for eastern Ukraine
 • Ukraine gets new bailout deal from IMF

There can be no celebration in this, as this reminds me of the John Wayne movie Chisholm, where the crooked sheriff wins at poker over Pat Garrett and Garrett then joins Chisholm's wagon train to bring in supplies to relieve New Mexico from the cartel. The cartel magnet laughs when the sheriff says that he beat Garrett in that hand, and says, "You think so huh".

(AP) Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde, center left,...
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BRUSSELS (AP) — The International Monetary Fund has agreed to give Ukraine a new bailout deal worth 15.5 billion euro ($17.5 billion) that could climb to around $40 billion over four years with help from other lenders like Europe and the U.S.
Ukraine has so far received $4.6 billion as part of an earlier $17 billion aid package the IMF agreed on last year, but that program has run into trouble as the war ravaging the country's eastern region has weighed on economic prospects.
Facing bankruptcy, Ukraine last month asked the IMF to replace its program with a new one to restore confidence in its finances and help it meet its debt obligations.
"This new program offers an important opportunity for Ukraine to move its economy forward at a critical moment in the country's history," IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Thursday.

Mr. Putin won in the short term. He has relieved his people in eastern Ukraine with much needed economic help, gained new elections in the region, forced Ukraine to write a new constitution giving autonomy to eastern Ukraine, but this is not a matter of the George Soros group of the cartel being naive over the ways of the world. They promised Mr. Putin Ukraine and handed it over to him by the hand of Obama in 2009 for management, and when Mr. Putin moved to stop national Isalmic genocide in Syria, then the result was the cartel took it back and attempted to assassinate by coup, Vladimir Putin just after the olympics at Sochi.

All this has done is given the cartel time to start a new political front in the Europe they are disassembling, starting with Greece, and the frontier of a new Europe with wide ranging power to devour all from north Africa, the Mideast and yes, eastern Europe and that means Russia too.

This is the reality in all of this. This is thee most dangerous of times, because this moves the front line not to Poland as it should be with Germany, but has Ukraine as the division of tension, and that means once again that Bohemia is the frontier where the first battles of the Great Eurasian War will be fought again. This time with chemical, biological, nuclear weapon hybrids to turn it into scorched earth.

To save Europe and lessen the blow to the world, Mr. Putin has been supported here, providing he stays the Cyrus or Christian Protector of Eastern European Orthodoxy from mass martyrdom from the anti Christ. This agreement though while it can buy time for Mr. Putin and Ukraine, also buys time against him, that the cartel will utilize to produce a more lethal destruction in Europe.

Certainly Obama's image failed in all of this, but yet look at Syria being bombed by Jordanians and Americans in the mythical war against Obama's IS, ISIS, ISIL or whatever this "Islamic State" is which has no nation, but has now been transformed from bin Laden, al Qaeda, and now into a real Islamocommunist tool of the cartel.
Fully remember the news report and exclusive here, that IS before it was IS, was found to have in north Iraq to be armed with M 16's and firing American Lake City 223 ammo that is in short supply.

Unless Mr. Putin remains Christian Protector, unless Mr. Putin works a deal with Germany as Stalin did with Hitler in 1939 AD in the year of our Lord which will neutralize Germany, this is nothing to congratulate anyone on. It is instead the disgusting reality that the IMF bribed Ukrainian Nazi's working for the cartel to sell their nation, exactly the way the rich Ashkenaz elders sold Jews into work camps for World War II production. The positives are east Ukraine now is economically revitalized, but this all can be an empty bag as elections only are elections when not fraud, and east Ukraine is a matter of who wins that parcel of property is the person who holds the ballot box and steals that land.

Do not think just because this was negotiated in Minsk, Belarus, in Mr. Putin's enclave that this is a win for Russia. This has not yet begun and you know from past history that the cartel backs both sides, and wins in major wars by initiating it.

In short, the cartel bought Ukraine and Mr. Putin owns the squatter's rights. Whoever has the tanks on the ground in Poland though is who wins this.


MINSK, Belarus (AP) — The peace deal for eastern Ukraine reached on Thursday sets clear deadlines for a cease-fire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons, but resolution of the main political and economic issues behind the conflict was made conditional on a series of difficult steps and put off until the end of the year.
The deal made by the leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine builds on a cease-fire agreement that was reached in September and violated almost immediately.
Here is a look at what they did and did not agree upon, and who won and lost in the process:
Ukrainian troops and Russian-backed separatist forces are to begin an "immediate and comprehensive" cease-fire by the start of Sunday (2200GMT, 5 p.m. EST on Saturday). HEAVY WEAPONS WITHDRAWAL
Both sides are to pull heavy weapons back from the frontline from 25 kilometers (15 miles) to 70 kilometers (42 miles) depending on their caliber, creating a much wider buffer zone than specified under the September agreement. This should help the separatists secure their hold on Donetsk, the main city under their control, which is now within range of government artillery.
The withdrawals, which are to begin Monday and be completed within two weeks, are to be monitored by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. There is no provision for outside peacekeepers, something Ukraine had opposed, fearing it would open the door for troops loyal to Moscow.
(AP) Russia-backed separatists pay respects to their comrade during a funeral at a...
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All foreign fighters, "mercenaries" and their weapons are to leave Ukraine, a reference to the troops that Ukraine and the West accuse Russia of sending into eastern Ukraine. Moscow has insisted that the Russians in eastern Ukraine are volunteers, but its denial is belied by the sheer number of sophisticated heavy weapons in rebel hands. PRISONERS
All prisoners on both sides are to be released no later than five days after the withdrawal of heavy weapons. Russia has been under pressure from the West to free Nadezhda Savchenko, a Ukrainian air force officer who has been on a hunger strike in a Russian prison for more than two months. The Ukrainian government would likely portray her release as a major concession. Russia, however, has charged her with involvement in the deaths of two Russian journalists in eastern Ukraine, and an influential member of parliament said Thursday that she should stand trial.
In a win for Ukraine, the separatist Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which held their own elections last fall, are obliged to hold new elections under Ukrainian law. The vote is to be monitored by international observers under the OSCE.
In a major victory for Russia, restoration of Ukrainian control over the border with Russia in separatist-controlled areas is conditional on Ukraine amending its constitution to grant wide powers to the eastern regions, including the right to form their own police force and trade freely with Russia. The deal sets a target date of the end of the year.
This gives Russia what it wants most: leverage over its western neighbor, which it can use to prevent Ukraine from ever joining NATO. The concession is certain to trigger heated political debate in Ukraine, which could derail implementation.
In another win for Russia, Ukraine is obliged to restore banking services to the rebel regions and resume social payments, including pensions and salaries of those on the government payroll, including doctors and teachers. No deadline was set. The Ukrainian government froze all budget payments in November.