As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When this blog one cold December broke the story that the Obama regime was running terrorists out of 1600 Penn Avenue, including the Benghazi Backer Packers, all were still in the confusion of how could this be.
Lame Cherry broke that the Obama regime reorganized the entire world drug operations, and utilized al Qaeda as the delivery system in bringing in billions of dollars to the crime Muslims, all so they would stop blowing up things in the west.
I told you that Operation Gun Runner and Fast and Furious was Eric Holder not just going after Americans in 2nd Amendment Rights, but had to do with more of the Obama regime setting up a Mexican crime syndicate to both intimidate Americans and enforce the dope trade monopoly in Mexico.................
and voila here it is.
Opium business booms for Mexican cartels...
USA flooded with high-grade white heroin...
See the Obama regime has always had the dope syndicate's backing. It was why when the Honduran people booted out that cowboy hatted el Presidente and Hillary Clinton swooped in to reinstall him, that he was the toy of the regime in dealing with Honduran beach head dope running in Latin America.
I predicted all of this that this Obama regime was behind all of this, from the record opium crops produced on al Qaeda lands in Afghanistan and now the record crops of white heroin in Mexico for American markets, offsetting the black heroin of the Chicoms.
See this is all about the dope trade. Obama's image opened up Cuba from the Castro boys, as it was all about the new dope trade handlers in Cuba, and nothing to do with the Cuban people.
Awhile back we found a world divested of the old criminal order and the new Obama feudal order replacing it, in response to George W. Bush ousting Saddam Hussein who was supplying billions to this cartel in that Clinton oil for palaces scam that kept Saddam in power. Obama was installed to give cover to the powers behind all of this, so their better lieutenants would perform the task better in being community organized.
I asked you before all of this...............When was the last time you witnessed a major DEA drug bust out of the Obama regime?
The answer is that you never have, because the Obama regime runs the entire contraband trade for the cartel. You remember under Ronald Reagan, you had tons of coke had the DEA swooping into South America in black choppers, you had those piles of 100 dollar bills 16 by 20 feet, 5 feet high stacked in warehouses being confiscated..........but under Obama you got tunnels like gophers under the border and now just open hauling of it all......with the new cash crop is not Mexican shit on the Panera spinach salads, but Mexicans growing waving fields of poppies and processing it all in facilities...all with the Obama Homeland looking on and managing thee entire dope trade.
Even an Obama voter has got to get this that no Mexican could be growing fields of poppies in plain sight of the United States Regime, unless that regime was in on the growing of it, just like in Afghanistan. It is an amazing profitable export business in the white Spaniards manage the poppy and export the dark Mexicans to Obama regime slavery in the States.
The evidence of this is all there. These Mexican mafia lords could not move unless someone was straw walking it all for them in Mexico and into America. Of course, it hurts the Peking China black trade which Mexico was importing in another broken Obama dream of the Asians, but all the same, the Americans should be quite proud of another Obama regime success.......the Mexicans were importing over 100 tons of corn from America on February 2nd......and why not? All the best Mexican farmland is going to opium production, as why feed the Mexicans when Obama will import them, and the white opium manages better for the American children of the elite. They can get high, go to school, drive, work and do all sorts of things without being noticed.......they just feel good in having everything stolen from them. That is the lesson of coke in it agitated rich people to violence and weed made them zombies..........better to addict them to heroin just like the Chinese, and that way they feel good about being raped and still show up to produce something.
Yes you richtards who should have donated that 350,000 dollars thought you were so smart in keeping that money. Well Obama's image is addicting your worthless children to a lethargy to take everything you have through the syringe of a needle.
Enjoy your high as there is not going to be a Boxer Rebellion to stop this trade.
nuff said