As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is not news that the Obama regime has engaged in the violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878
twice in Minneapolis Minnesota, in coordinating Navy SEAL and Minneapolis SWAT teams in operations inside America, endangering Citizens, but what is the matter anti matter is what has not been revealed. It is not black helicopters, but the targeting of United States Citizens and immigrants.
Documents obtained by PRM in 2012 suggested that the Navy's training operation was - at the time - undertaken for the purpose of preparing special operations forces for foreign deployment. However, records relating to the 2014 exercise include hints that some aspects of that training may have had a domestic focus.
According to an e-mail from an anonymous federal official, "There is a significant change in our ‘template’ since the August 2012 exercise," and as such "we are under new DOD regulatory guidance for this type of training."
The revelation was that ground operations took place in Minneapolis before the black helos were airborne. That is the context of the Satellite Co Existant Operations. Meaning, intelligence operations hide other operations more nefarious in the ones being sanctioned.
I will be plain in this. This is liberal Mark sodomite Dayton's land of Al Franken and walk Obama on the red carpet Amy Klobachar. These liberals were running Obama operations in Minnesota, for the expressed purpose they sanctioned them.
The point in this is this for those unaware of what is Minneapolis.
Do you remember the 9 11 hijackers being trained? The one that survived and is in prison was from Minnesota.
Do you remember the Somali terrorists? Yes Minnesotans too.
Minnesota has been a hot spot of immigration from the most festering places on the globe. So when your mission purpose is to run around in Rep. Keith Ellison's district, using immigrants as test targets for your operations, you have Little Somalia and Little Cambodia all sorted out for you to practice your blending techniques, all armed with those special operations weapons in firearms with silencers and poison pens.
So you comprehend this, these satellite operations were not hunting timberwolves, but actual lottery targets who were Minnesotans in these neighborhoods. It is a cold drop, a person identified as the target, blending, surveillance and painting the target for neutralization. This is the way the regime "trains" as it is actual field practice 24 hours a day. Yes those strange things that seemed out of place, were really the ghosts of special ops painting death in Minnesota suburbs.
For those feeling secure in this was only aimed at pigment skinned folks, these operations in liberal Minnesota practiced on the white Christian Veterans too. Remember Hutatree with that BATF operation, do you not?
The Pentagon has the world from Iraq, to Honduras, to Kosovo, to the Philippines to run actual operations in for field training. The reason this dawned during the Obama regime in America is this Birther was making jihad on Americans.
There is a reason this blog first utilized the term jihad early on. This is the mark of the Birther regime.
Nuff said
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