Monday, May 18, 2015

Signs of Life

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to teach you what life looks like. Real life, not your illusions of salaries, swimming pools, jet trips and whatever ignorance you are hanging precariously in, before the fall.

I hesitate about much of this, as too many idiots will indulge in this, and piss in the pot for those who are involved in this. What this is, is the USDA operates a program which you pay for, that is available to researchers, breeders etc... in a repository of a huge seed bank of all the things of life that are out there.
It is free, but you only receive a small sample, and you must propagate it, and follow up on what you have produced.

This is a photo of what I have been up to, as you have been indulging in your worthless apostacy  and delusion of how wonderful you are. These are varieties of cereal grains and I decided to educate you on all of this, as it is important, so you comprehend how much effort, cost and time which it requires to just bring you a loaf of bread or a beer.

The above crops are 5 grams of grain, which come in a little brown packet. The value of these crops is they are no longer available in this world, because Obama's Big Ag out of Chicago has made it all Monsanto poison grain which is killing you.
See Monsanto brands have genetic splicing in them of algae which means they can then sell Round Up herbicide to make Big Farmers farm more land quickly, and indebt them more.

What is above in those 8 rows are the past. I chose Minnesota grains, because they have produced historically thee best of crops in the University there is the best research program in the world. Cornell in New York is good, but it does not match the U of M.
You will know the U of M in Honeycrisp apples.....that is what they do, and do it very well.

So you get 5 grams of cereal grain, which is not available anywhere commercially anywhere. I planted mine in little rows,  about two feet long. I probably should have spaced them farther in the wheat kinds, but will barrier them in time to protect genetic purity.

What you see closest to you is THATCHER WHEAT, a historic wheat based on the infamous Red Fife that is all the glam now. Thatcher is superior though as it is a natural cross or hybrid, and all of these grains are resistant to rust and other diseases which are running rampant in 1 genus Monsanta agriculture.

Next to Thatcher is ANTHONY oats. Anthony is interesting in the cats liked to dig up the end row and shit on it, the drought did not treat it well, and something seemed to like eating it, as in rabbits.
Yes nothing is for certain in any of this world....your one time 5 grams might just turn into rabbit shit or get shit on by cats. Put your life on that edge when you need a slice of bread.

Next to Anthony is LEE wheat. That wheat seems to be less tolerant to conditions, and is a learning experience.

Next to Lee is MANKER, a barley variety which is very heavy in the grass blades, and while I am not a beer or hog raiser, I wonder if Manker might make a forage grass for livestock.

Lastly is ERA, a wheat which is really responsive to drought, cold, wind and harsh environments. I get these mixed up yet, but Era or Lee is a dwarf wheat, and in this control plot, Era this season in an early drought responded wonderfully. Thing is we just had a deluge of 3 inches of rain and cold again. We shall see what the season brings.

The reason for bringing this up is, my old Ag teacher told a story in class one day about a flax variety which was released. It was amazing he said, in the first year they tested it, and when they put it through the grain sifter screen, the kernels were so large that they found them in the wheat section.
Everyone thought they had the flax of all the answers, until the next season, when it was wet, and rust set in to this variety and wiped it out. That ended that flax forever.

See cereal grains get rust, smut and various toxins. It is the reason that genetic crosses were created, as many of these grains originated in Russia, and were crossbred with varieties from Europe which were not doing very well in Canada. All of the natural breeding is now gone, and it is all lab work in these frankenfoods, and that is why you see huge swings of disease affecting crops, as there is barely any difference in any of the beans, corn, wheat etc... which is planted now. It is all the same genetic mutant, and when things go bad like that early flax, it means a disaster.

Now for the lesson in this. USDA gives me 5 grams of seed, to propagate. If Jesus blesses, if cats do not shit on my grain in digging it out, if rabbits do not eat it, and God forbid cattle do not get out and eat it off....then I may have 500 grams in a hundred fold increase.
IF I am blessed with a crop in year 2, then I will have 50,000 grams which I think is about 2/3rds of a bushel of wheat. Year four if I get a harvest, means I will have enough to plant a few acres, and then, I will have enough for my grain to grind for me, and some for others to try.
The oats would be a 4 year ordeal as poultry eat far more grain than I do in a bushel of wheat. Meaning, it might take 300 bushels of oats to feed a flock of chickens a year........a human can get 30 loaves of bread from 1 bushel of wheat.......see less need from the human side.

So let me factor this out. Large farmers have fuel cut off from a terrorist or asteroid attack......that means no crop, or maybe some disease kills all that high production no nutrient grain you are eating.
Oh you forgot Lame Cherry explained that I review. Normal wheat produces 15 to 30 bushels of wheat per acre. Monsanto wheat turns out at least 50 bushels per acre. That is the same ground, and no more trace minerals added, so that 50 bushels is diluted from that 30 bushel concentrate.

Understand my old varieties here, are not superior in fending off all disease, but they are genetically diverse enough, that they are not all the same one seed, one genetic mutant in the lab. My varieties have at least some which will survive and are more nutritious than what is being grown.

So as you pissed away this year on your world whoring. that means with great success.......if you can get some varieties for next year, you are three years away from getting crop.
Oh by the way, all of you living in Eden in all that moisture.....these cereal grains loathe wetness and breed disease. That means all of your succulent crops which you are gardening and bragging about, will have your cereal grains overflowing with disease.....and you dying as you have no crop.

There are local varieties which are resistant for you Eden folk, but you are going to have to do the work, as Minnesota does not fit all the gene pools, no more than all the original grains fit America in the least.

It is a recorded fact that the Greek Islands and India, when offered Monsanto high production grains, had disasters of crop ruined farmers to suicide in India. See the time to acclimate your crops is in times when you have food in the store.....not when you got upheaval going on from starlings eating your crops, deer eating your crops or some invader shitting in your wheat patch and using it for toilet paper.

This is what life looks like. It is what my billion dollar work looks like as I try to do what I can in poverty. I know many of you can not afford nor have the property to raise things like this. Right now I do not either, but it is sown in Faith and Hope, that these crops will be fruitful and multiply.

I really had an affection for Thatcher which is a 1930's type grain, and the others are later, but at this juncture, it is Era which is the grain that is the most vigorous. I will have to check again, to see if Era or Lee is the dwarf, but I do hope that Era is the early dwarf type, as that would be more alluring to me...........yes what you do not know is the double sword in this, in a dwarf produces less straw to deal with, but a dwarf also allows more weeds to sprout as longer straw grains will smother out weeds.

See it is all that million dollar knowledge which you just stumbled upon here, in things you have no idea of, nor ever considered.

Ask yourself what is more important......being President, being a surgeon, being a millionaire, or knowing what variety of wheat to grow and why so you do not starve?

No need to ask, as the bright children all stopped reading about this, as they are too smart to waste time on the facts of life........they just like the bush gossip.

Do not abuse this right which you have whether it is Canada, America or wherever. There are people like myself making life possible for a time ahead. This is how this underground, above ground non network works. It is not proprietary in billion dollar Obama corporations, but single agrarians just putting by and making do. Someday your existence will depend on this crop you see growing above.
