Wednesday, May 6, 2015

TomatoeLicious Soup

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a TL Inspiration from God.

We were making tomatoe soup and I was not impressed with the Frugal Gourmet's recipe, so this is what was come up with to save it.

1 quart tomatoe sauce
1 quart Swanson's chicken stock
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tablespoon dried celery leaves
1 tsp baking soda (so milk will not curdle)
4 cups milk

The thing that makes this work is Balsamic vinegar. I dislike saying "to taste", but we put in a good dash to a bowl, so I would think a couple of tablespoons would be a good start.

Thing is we had grilled cheese with these, in Muenster cheese, which is great on it's own, but it gets lost with the tomatoe soup.

I do have a million dollar thing here though to include. If your butter is hard as in the refrigerator, all you need to do is put a pad on your bread, throw it into the pan, and the butter will melt and grill the bread. Lift it out with a spatula, throw in another pad on a bread, flip the toasted side onto this slice, and you got grilled cheese when someone forgot to put the butter out to be soft.

Enough of this,

Nuff said
