Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ben Carson's Siam Twins

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After one of Ben Carson's junglebuns decided to tee off on this blog, it has now become a reality that Ben Carson come under the light of examination in how he does not measure up.

I am not going to focus on Ben Carson is channeling black radicals like Al Sharpton and Julian Bond, in proving for Carson that black is thicker than water.
That does require Obama focus though in Carson is color blind, in all things black are beautiful, and not treacherous or traitorous to America.

I will not focus on Ben Carson and his movie which just happened to appear for self promotion for the Presidency......yes a Hollywood distributed movie, with a Hollywood cast promoting a black who just happens to be black blind.
That should set off some red warning lights.

What I am going to focus on is the trademark of Ben Carson. We have all heard it, and seen it in a movie. It is how he finished the GOP debate and everyone ....except myself was awed by in Ben Carson separates brains from Siam twins "in these hands save lives".
No it is Jesus Gifts which save lives working through people, even if they say they are christian and stealing the glory for themselves.

The Siam Twins is not what this is about though, because what this is about is what the Presidency is about in America.

To get this straight so you are educated, is the Presidency about saving lives?

If you answered yes, you are ignorant as nowhere in the job description is it about saving lives. The President is to promote and uphold the Constitution of these United States. The American President was put in charge of the MILITARY not the national hospital, as the Presidency is not about saving lives, but punishing and killing all those threats foreign and domestic who are trying to abort and murder the American People.

Now that you have this in your brains, the reality is as Ben Carson brags about saving life which is God's domain, the real question is, can Dr. Ben Carson take life....not just one life in a drone, but can Ben Carson without blinking an eye, fire salvos of nuclear warheads on Eurasia and slaughter billions of people when the time comes for World War IV?

That is not the time for "these hands" on display to the world as  some false religion to be frozen in place, but that finger needs to be pushing the secure line, and the nuclear codes stated clearly to launch the American arsenal without hesitation, as in the new Obama world, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea have all upgraded, and all have a 15 minute window to end millions of American lives, and America as we know it.

When cutter Ben Carson is in the Oval Office and it is the moment, that he blew the days before in failing to unravel Obama's armageddon for the world, and nuclear war is all there is left in the entire modern world will be destroyed, can Ben Carson destroy his part of the world which will be necessary.

The Bible specifically Prophesies that the Great Tribulation will take place, and that great wars are coming to this deviant human race. After Obama built this nuclear funeral pyre, America is going to require someone who knows how kill billions of people without flinching and not how to cut two Siam kid's brains in two.
This is a reality, that this is not going to be taking a hit, but hitting with everything at the world. It is reality that America will have to destroy billions, so that her few millions who survive, are not going to face 200 million healthy Eurasians landing on the scorched American shores, to finish off the American survivors to finish what Obama has begun in aborting America.

That is the understanding, and that is why Ben Carson fails. His entire focus is that he is some god saving lives, when that is God's venue, and the realm of a leader is not to save lives, but to ruthlessly kill all foes to keep his people from being harmed and exterminated.

I like what Ben Carson says, when he is not black blind or attempting to usurp God. America has already been destroyed by false messiah Obama and does not need a false idol Carson propped up by his jungle fever bullies, as nothing is left in America to keep around now but tattered pieces.

That is the reality of Ben Carson. His Presidential run has been condemned by his own flawed psychology and his godlike words. He likes playing God in a hospital, but for President America requires a man who sends the military out to slaughter billions when that time comes which the Bible predicts.

Nuff said
