Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Criminal Darwin Police State.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have never seen spin in the New Hampshire GOP debate like tonight, since FOX with Chris Wallace and Shep Smith were propping up Obama against John McCain.

For the record, Marco Rubio was the sacrificial gay tonight, and Chris Christie was scripted to eat him, as in listening to the ABC propagandists afterwards, we finally know the programme which has been plotted out.

The cartel at this point can not deny Donald Trump the victory in New Hampshire, but apparently after the gay boys of Cruz and Rubio did their election stealing in Iowa, that they are now on the chopping block.

Twice tonight Cruz brain locked on words. He was flat and looked like he had been hit by a Jeff Rense mind fuzzer as he lost what he was saying. Rubio, I thought did well enough, but ABC and everyone else just savaged the gay boy.

So the buzz is on the unseating of Cruz and Rubio. and having Jeb Bush declare victory at 4th place, with the intended punchline being to see what shit hits the wall and sticks in Chris Christie or John Kasich.

I felt sorry for Kasich being a democrat in the debate, as he looked like a turtle and was so unappealing, like Ted Cruz's greased balding hair locks, that one was turned off by everything they were saying.
The big Clinton blow bag Donna Brazille was raving over Kasich and how he might win all of Ohio in March, in this planned and plotted for hung Convention.

So now we know that brown skins have no place in the GOP, except to suck on Jeb Bush's dick. Otherwise it is George W. Bush having to try and get Jeb Bush in the race in South Carolina.......I doubt that is going to help as everyone is suffering from Bush fatigue.

I am taken aback at how Marco Rubio was turned on by the GOP establishment. It was like watching a wolf pack, eat the guts out of one of their own, with the liberals looking on in glee.

So Christie is supposed to somehow get #2, and somehow Cruz and Rubio are supposed to vanish into a joined at the hip #3, as Jeb declares victory at #4.

Somehow in this vote fraud, Jeb Bush is supposed to come in #2 in South Carolina, and then be the "man" for Super Tuesday in announcing this to be a Trump Bush race to the convention. I will repeat as Jeb Bush looks like he has pre stage cancer on his head in numerous locations, spent 100 million dollars to finish at the bottom in Iowa and is about to finish behind the brown skin Cubans in pasty white New Hampshire.

All of this just disgusts me, as watching this fraud trying to subvert these elections in both the democrats and the republicans is so obvious and so criminal. I personally know that Bernie Sanders is worthless as tits on a boar, is as hind tit as Biden and Clinton, but for the sake of liberal voters, they have the right to vote for a communist without a Clinton stealing Iowa, like the continuous vote fraud and criminal manipulation by the GOP fag elite.

Seriously with what is going on in Oregon, the Clintoncrats and the Klusterfuck against Donald Trump, it makes one long for Kim Jong Un actually having a secret IBM arsenal of H bombs in ridding America of this criminal Darwin Police State.


.....and what is this? Drudge Report is not running a poll after the debate???? Drudge now signed up for the COUP FOR NUMBER TWO?????
Big Jew, Big Koch and all the rest with Hillary Clinton creating the GOP #2.