As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As you probably missed it in the fizzle of the Bern, there actually is someone in the 2016 Presidential race who is.......well more stupid than Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John McCain combined, and this woman is Obama with a twat.
No I am not talking about Hillary Clinton, but Dr. Jill Stein of Massachusetts of the Green Party.
Jill Stein is a really formidable candidate that Donald Trump had better look out for as this Harvard Jew........yeah I thought it was supposed to be Berne who was the first Jew.......but then there was Joe Lieberman and the Bush boys were Jew too, but never mind as Jill Stein, won .36% of the vote. That is POINT THIRTY SIX and not Thirty Six Percent, making her the most successful female Presidential candidate in history.
Do not examine that one too close as she was the only one, and write ins for BoBo the Clown probably got more votes.
In any case, Jill Stein, the real candidate according to really asstarded intellectual named Stephen Lendman is the salvation of America......better than Jesus or messiah Obama I guess.
She has this brilliant plan, based upon the penis of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the NEW GREEN DEAL. Never mind that Franklin Roosevelt strangled the American Economy into a decade longer depression that brought about World War II which drove Adolf Hitler to power, and that Obama spent 18 trillion dollars on green fraud as his green cronies embezzled billions and stuck American with the bill, and EVERY Public Utilities Board in America will tell you that renewable wind and solar has been now maxed out, in the power grid can not depend on sun with cloudy days and wind with calm weeks.......none of that matters to asstards, as they have missed the failures of FDR and Obama, as they focus on oceans which are not rising and heat which is cooling.
Stein supports the creation of sustainable infrastructure based in clean renewable energy generation and sustainable communities principles, in order to improve or avoid what she sees as a growing convergence of environmental crises in water, soil, fisheries, and forests. Her vision includes increasing intra-city mass transit and inter-city railroads, creating 'complete streets' that safely encourage bike and pedestrian traffic, and regional food systems based on sustainable organic agriculture
So I do want you to know that there is another Hillary Clinton in the race. This one has a twat, but is as equal to the GOPLITES who are at the head of the GOP and in a suicide war with Donald Trump.
You also should be aware this asstard is advocating not only destroying the US power grid, but taxing you out of your home as you are rich, making you bike through hip deep snow drifts in Chicago and New York, as you do not get to drive anywhere, as you starve to death in community organized green farms.
Stein supports the creation of sustainable infrastructure based in clean renewable energy generation and sustainable communities principles, in order to improve or avoid what she sees as a growing convergence of environmental crises in water, soil, fisheries, and forests. Her vision includes increasing intra-city mass transit and inter-city railroads, creating 'complete streets' that safely encourage bike and pedestrian traffic, and regional food systems based on sustainable organic agriculture.
This is the savior of the wackos, even more nuts than Bernie Sanders voters, more insane than Hillary Clinton voters, and more crazy than the GOPLITEs who keep putting these frauds of Marco Rubio. Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and now the dug up political corpse of Mitt Romney.