Tuesday, October 18, 2016

hamrod it is in the blood


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is brilliant for President elect Donald Trump to call for a drug test of Hillary Clinton before the debate. There is a surprise though waiting in that test.

DONALD TRUMP calls for drug test BEFORE THE next debate

DONALD TRUMP calls for drug test BEFORE ... before the next televised debates should take a blood test for drugs. Trump admitted that Clinton before ...

None of the prescribed medications will be found in her screen.

Repeat that a few times so it soaks in and the question begins forming of with her condition then why is she not taking her meds?

There is something which is going to be found.

What will be found according to inquiry are steroids and an experimental drug to enhance the blood cells to divide.

When Flygare added both a corticosteroid and a PHI to BFU-Es in culture, the cells produced 300 times more red blood cells than did cells without exposure to the drugs. Flygare repeated the experiment with adult human BFU-Es, and found that a corticosteroid plus a PHI generated 10 times more red blood cells than BFU-Es exposed to a corticosteroid alone.

 It has been pointed out that Hamrod has been topped off with gallons of a "young blood cocktail" to rejuvenate her. It is concluded to enhance the transfusions the therapy is attempting production in sick old Hillary.

A drug test void of the meds the old Hamrod needs, would be quite a story, and a puzzle as to what she does have in her system and what kind of voodoo is surging through those old veins.

Emerging drug class may enhance red blood cell production in ...

Emerging drug class may enhance red blood cell production in anemic patients ... the drugs that are used to increase red blood cell production in patients with ...
