Monday, October 10, 2016

Hillary's Legacy of Fucking Murders

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Dirty Locked Away History of the Democrat Party...: How the Alleged Party of the Little Guy Has Been a 200 Year Parade of Crooks, Thugs, Bigots & Subversive Traitors

It was reported that Hillary Clinton channels Eleanor Roosevelt, First "lady" and wife of communist Franklin Roosevelt.

Hillary 'talking to famous dead American' - WND

... the former president said his wife "was known to commune" with Eleanor Roosevelt, ... between Hillary Clinton and Eleanor Roosevelt has ...

Here though is a bit of history which you probably have never heard in the choice of Hillary Clinton's bedfellows and it speaks to a reality that one of the acts which a President Donald Trump should carry out is wiping the Franklin Delano Roosevelt memorial from Washington DC.

During World War II, Eleanor Roosevelt met up with a young man named Joseph R. Lash, who was head of the American Student Union, became protected by Eleanor Roosevelt from Congressional investigations, and just happened to have been recorded by the FBI in a hotel room.
To put it plainly, after Lash was enlisted in the military, Military Intelligence was monitoring the situation of this political activist in Lash, and in listening to his locations, heard the sounds of Lash fucking someone. When the surveillance checked on who appeared, it was none other than Eleanor Roosevelt.

The story becomes the stuff of murder, because the military approached Franklin Roosevelt with the recording and FDR blew his stack. It was acceptable in FDR being an adulterer, but the Mrs. could not be allowed to humiliate this dictator.

FDR's response was to immediately have General Arnold order Lash to a combat assignment in 1943. Lash would survive, but the next step which FDR ordered was murderous in FDR ordered all Army Intelligence who has knowledge of the Eleanor Fuck Romp, be transferred to the South Pacific in front line combat assignment.

All of this was confirmed as FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover kept his own files on this situation when one of his agents discovered the Military Intelligence.

In a memorandum dated Dec. 31, 1943, FBI agent George C. Burton relayed to Hoover his discovery of a possible love affair between Lash and Roosevelt from conversations he had with a colonel in the Army Counterintelligence Corp. After Lash enlisted in the Army, he remained under surveillance because of his socialist sympathies and his close relationship with the first lady.

When one thinks of FDR's murderous starting of World War II for America at Pearl Harbor and hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, it fits that the Clinton's in their treachery of piles of dead bodies, and seeking to unleash Obama's nuclear world war with Vladimir Putin.

This is the real history, in all of it's disgusting reality. The traitor FDR is a mass murderer and this dictator does not deserve a memorial in Washington DC, no more than Hillary Clinton deserves being President.

Nuff Said
