Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Sepp Seer


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the series of European Seers, Sepp Wudy is one of the most accurate and one of the most sad. He was a Bavarian, and for some reason most seers come from this area, and a farm worker who went off to the first world war, and knew he was going to be killed in that war.
Sepp though was absolutely right on the first two world wars, so it factors in he is probably correct on what the matrix was revealing on a 3rd world war.

 Sepp Wudy, the farmer's farmhand (died in the First World War):

"As Sepp was called up to world war I  he said he wouldn't come back because he has to die in ice and snow. As it happened, he perished during the world war in the Dolomites. This is not the last war, Sepp said, because then soon there will be another, and only after that the last one comes. This last one is more terrible than the other one. To know what it will be like at the time, you will be able to talk to your cousin in Vienna from your own house, and if you needed him rapidly he could be with you within one hour.

"The bohemian forest will one day be burned like a straw barn. Don't run away when the gray birds are flying. If you see this, know that the end is near and it has already begun. It will then be like one hundred years ago. So much the people are thrown back and with this they will be punished for their wantonness.

"You have the meal in front of you and are not allowed to eat it, because it brings you death; and you have the water and may not drink it, because it would also mean your death. From the Osser (mountain at the Bavarian-Bohemian) there will still be a water source -- there you can drink. The air corrodes into the skin like a poison. Put on all the clothing you have and don't even let the tip of your nose remain uncovered. Place yourself into a hole and wait till it is all over.  It will not last long.  Or look for a cave in the mountains. When you loose your hair it has gotten you. Take a Kronwittbirl (Juniper fruit) into the mouth. This will help. And don't drink milk for  eight weeks.

"It will be bad, and the later-born ones will have to learn writing and reading anew. The cause will be that the people do not recognize the Devil anymore, because he is dressed beautifully and promises everything to them.

"When no owl cries any more and the hares come to the house and collapse, then go away from the water and don't mow grass. In these times there will be no more border against Bavaria, but the border will be I cannot say."

"However, what do I say? It does not concern you but tell it to your children and grandchildren. They will have to face it and will experience the rest of the story. I also do not understand those that have no modesty at all.  People will become increasingly base and godless, so things must come to a head.  In the end will be like one hundred years ago. I see even more, but I can't understand it and can't tell it. With the decline of faith everything goes downhill, and everything gets confused. Nobody sees clearly. The elite already believe nothing at all, the masses will be made crazy. In the church they play dance music and the parson will sing to it. Then they also dance, but outside there will be the celestial sign, which announces the beginning of great mischief. There will be a brightness in the north, like never seen before, and then the fire will rise up all around.

"Go to Bavaria, where blessed Mary protects the people; but there too all will be chaotic.
Everything will come like the Stormberger has told, but he didn't tell everything or they didn't understand him. Because it will be worse than bad."

"Farmer, tell this to your children: they shall run to the mountain when everything crashes. I'm only a farmhand and I don't know if it's a good or bad spirit which is showing me all these things. But I know it will happen."
