Sunday, June 4, 2017

Bill Maher, not a Nigger, just a Tummler

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Bill Maher got into trouble on HBO in talking with the hick #NeverTrumper Ben Sasse  who wants to put all children in slave labor fields in Nebraska to teach them "character". I seem to recall Midwestern malcontent children put into weed fields developed not natures of character, but bullying, engaging in sex, figuring out how to get out of work as boiling a child's brains out teaches them to hate adults and labor, who upon being paid, pooled their money, went to the mud hole, got naked, drunk and had some more sex, and usually babies that bred more Nebraska types of low intelligence.

I digress as this is Bill Maher trying to disprove Kathy the head lopper Griffith that the boys do not get away with things, because when Sasse tried to put Jew Maher into a concentration camp in Nebraska to work Maher to death, Maher stated "I"m a house nigger", meaning that Maher did not go out and pick cotton or tassel corn, as corn tasslin' is big occupation in the Seth Rich Cornhusker state.

The Lame Cherry always seeks to assist everyone, and in this case speaks for Bill Maher as apparently Afroids now want this Jew fired for defining him as an Obama who just gets paid to show up in air conditioned environments.
I can see why Maher wanted to trade up to House Nigger as it is a great job, in you get to rape white women and children, eat pork products and wear nice clothes and pretend you are better than the Seth Rich types who get laid out on the street.

Bill Maher though is a Tummler by definition. That is Yiddish for the "make a racket" entertainer, who was paid to go on stage, distract the goy from Jews shylocking them out of their property and distracting the ghetto Jew who the elders sold to the royals for slave know what the elders did to the poor Jews in places like Warsaw ghetto for Nazi slave labor camps in selling those people to the Germans as workers, over champaign and to save their elder asses.

See Bill Maher knows his place. He knows he is not an uppity Soros kind of Jew who buys and sells people. Maher is not deluded like Jared Kushner a slum lord who thinks he belongs in the White House. Maher knows that he is a Tummler, but just will not say it, as he is there to make a racket to distract everyone, as the is paid his 30 pieces of silver robbed from the goy in order to further the cartel destruction of the moral Christian West.

Tummlers were of great service during World War II, because the elders used these minstrels to distract the Jews long enough to get them shipped off to labor camps. You saw lots of Tummlers on Hogan's Heroes.....hell there were more Jews on that show than goy.
They were very  talented like John Banner, who was a genius showman. I dearly adore that entertainer as he was the perfect Ashkenazim blue eyed Jew like Werner Klemperer, Colonel Klink.

Bill Maher is simply more crude. Sort of like Werner Klemperer in person in being a prick liberal. It all works though in Tummlers and I would think the American Afroid would take it as a compliment that Maher wants to work up to House Nigger in the minstrel show from being a Tummler, serving the massah.
I would think that Maher as President would actually have gotten things done, unlike Obama in blowing up things and genociding almost everyone. Maher as a Jew would not have a great deal of competition with blacks, as it is not like he would be competing with Tavis Smiley or Cornell West.

Anyway, that is setting the record straight as no on else will. I think we should all support Bill Maher in his American Dream, and if you look around who the hell would want to be around Rob Meathead Reiner and that other cat scrape Maher is lumped in with, as they ain't no Carl Reiner, Jackie Mason or Joey Bishop in this modern era of Jew Tummlers.
We should all support Bill Maher wanting to get out of the Tummler ghetto as it gets old being a Judas Goat leading people to their slaughter for the Soros elders. Perhaps one day he will make it to the Jack Bennie status of the English twit like Graham Chapman, but for now his goal is House Nigger, as Ben Sasse wants to put that Jew in a Nebraska concentration camp working his ass to death.

Odd thing about this world in Ben Sasse wants to reintroduce child slave labor and put Jews into force labor camps in Nebraska and the liberals are all pissed off that Bill Maher is making  a break for it to Jew freedom from Shylock.

.........and no Bill Maher, nor any of these liberal Jews have ever donated here, as a disclaimer. Why should they be any different than all the other deadbeats stealing content here.

Nuff Said

