Friday, August 25, 2017

In Awe of the Obama Conservatives Saving America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was just thinking about how Barack Obama was a real trendsetter in politics, and how the Trump whiners should just shut up, because were not Birther Hussein's chief advisers all Conservatives?

Seriously, you do not remember the equals of Gary Cohn, Dina Powell, Herbert McMaster and John Kelly being all democrats, because did not Obama have Steve Forbes, Lawrence Kudlow, John Bolton and Jim DeMint serving in his cabinet?

Seriously were not the Obama daughters, like Ivanka is for liberals, appointing hosts of Conservatives to the White House, and were not those scamps speed dailing Daddy O, to undercut Clapper, Brennan and Hillary Clinton at every turn, so it was all Obama right wing all the time.

Seriously was not Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, sabotaging Obama at every legislative turn, so that Obama never got Obamacare or any of that other stuff passed?

Seriously, was not old Joe Biden just like Mike Pence, plotting to put Obama out on the lawn as an ornament, because that is all Mike Pence does.

In one of thee most serious breaches in all political history, Donald John Trump is the only President who never appointed any people who voted for him, or appointed anyone who represented his voters in a premier cabinet positions.

Instead when this is pointed out, this blog was smeared by trolls who said I went too far, and soon enough sites like Sunprancer were attacking Breitbart, Cernovich, Gateway and Drudge for not backing all the people who would simply be at home in a Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton regime?

Pence is a Bush boy, McMaster is a Soros boy. Powell poses with Val-erie Jarrett and Cohn would fit right in with Goldman Clinton.

Christians and Americans are the only ones who are told they are not to expect their people being appointed in mass, like Obama appointed the biggest entrail of community organized communist crooks on the planet.

You will notice that now that Donald Trump's last loyalists are gone, suddenly Trump is being touted in the press as having potential Mr. Trump signs onto nuclear McBlasters opium protecting policy in more dead Americans in McMasterstan.

You will notice that only this blog in Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter  is pointing this reality out by definition and example exposing all of this, as the rest rant about nit and wit.

Darrell Issa of the GOP protected Barack Hussein Obama in crimes.  So did Eric Holder as Attorney General, but all Donald Trump gets are Maxine Waters railing and Jeff Sessions appointing special witch hunters.

Donald Trump promised us the best people in the world. He has kept his promise. The only problem is Trump's best, are all the best at sabotaging his agenda he promised to keep to his voters and in starting nuclear wars.

For those who think Neil Gorsuch is a gem. Just remember the gem that fag John Roberts who gave Americans rationed death. Gorsuch takes it up the sodomite too in his religion.

There never was an Obama Conservative, but there sure as hell are Trump liberals measuring him for an orange jump suit and Americans for genocide.
