As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
If not for German and Scandinavian Lutherans, some of the greatest corporations in America would have never become the billion dollar companies they are now.
These companies all became food group of Germans really in Jello, Corn Flakes and Campbell's soups of some kind. All sorts of supper or funeral dinners became a staple that included Jello, Corn Flakes or Campbell's soup. Yes open a box or throw in a can, and normal horrid dill weed cooking became something "really good". I have my Gram's cookbook which was not a recipe book at all, as she was too poor, as everyone was poor. Instead Gram's cookbook was a little notepad with glued in recipies from farm magazines which were all labled, "Really Good", and all of which would give one as stomach ache.
My Mom suffered from the same melady for years. The last time I had this happen in her preparing a recipe from some publication that she said sounded really good, I took one bite and said, 'MOM THIS TASTES LIKE SHIT. DON'T YOU EVER COOK ANYTHING OUT OF SOME DAMN MONTHLY EVER AGAIN!" Mom never did, as she knew it tasted like shit too.
This though is something not out of a magazine, but from a wicked woman who should be dead, but she is not as of yet, but is a fine example of American rural cooking, as it is filled with Jello and canned things, and something everyone had and no one wanted, in rhubarb.
The American poor could make jelly out of corn cobbs and watermelon rinds, as the reality is, there was nothing else. I imagine some Russian soul once made tumbleweed jelly out in North Dakota, and everyone said to the scowling mother, "This tastes like shit", and she said, "Eat it anyway you ungrateful trash", and they all suffered through 20 pints of tumbleweed jelly as it was all they had on their hard bread and were glad to have it about January 20th.
This is Rhubarb Blueberry Jam. It is delightful. We used to use Wilderness Pie Filling, but no longer is that available in the brier patch. It is a simple recipe, and goes together quick and is something flavorful which you would never expect would go together........unless of course you are some Lutheran woman with nothing to do, nothing in the house but the perpetual staples of Jello and rhubarb, and a can of pie filling too expensive to buy, too expensive to use, so it sat there like a monument for 5 years on the shelf, whereupon with rusted bottom lid, the woman thought, "I better use that expired thing or my husband is going to raise hell about wasting food.
So she did, and it turned out ok, so she ventured to her children who said, "This don't taste like shit Mom, what the heck is it?" So she smiles, serves expired food, as the Jello is too in old boxes, and the husband is delighted about what a great wife he has, as the neighbor's are still cleaning up that beet jelly the poor guys wife had bushels of and thought, "What a great idea to use them beets up as I saw that recipe in the farm magazine".
Any way this is the recipe.
5 cups rhubard diced
1 cup water
Add 5 cups sugar
Bring to a boil
Add 1 can blueberry pie filling
Boil 10 minuts
Remove from heat
Add 2 packages raspberry Jello (3 ounce packages)