The Trumps Open Carrying in Trump America
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry celebrates President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump in their compassionate visit to giving the Texans too Darwin to not comprehend that you do not build homes in dry lake beds, no matter how great that swamp looks from a realtor.
I especially appreciated both the President and First Lady strapping on a nice semi automatic pistol and the President waving one around at reporters while he pointed to them in answering questions.
Texas Safari Style in Swamp Draining and Hog Hunting with C4
It was also heartening that the Trump's brought along several bags of high explosives, as one never knows when you are going to need a batch of C4 or and explosive satchel. Perhaps the Trumps will be hog hunting from Air Force One, as Texas has lots of feral hogs, and I could see Melania tossing out some bombs to harvest some meat for the good people of Texas out of their swamp homes.
Maybe they are just going to toss C4 into the water and go fishing Texas style, as I am sure those fish in the homes of the swamp dwellers have probably swum out, and explosives are always good for fishing.
Get them Darkies to work all day for a fried chicken leg
I see that FEMA brought out the chicken for the Black folks doing the saving. Sorry but the watermelon patches all got flooded, and all they could do is look at the pictures in the seed catalogues included with the napkins.
These boobers interupted the best hog hunt I ever had!!!
It was the best hunt Gram Crockett ever had. Got 12 hogs with 11 shots. Dropped two suckling pigs with one bullet.
Lotta good smoked hog, as soaked wood mesquite gives off a good smoke, and nothing like mesquite smoked hams to please the emancipated men folks.
Finally, the President announced that FEMA will be handing out guns with every FEMA check, and he noted that there would be 45 special pink checks in the thousands being handed out, which a lucky Texan could redeem for an ICBM warhead to shoot at Kim Jong Un in North Korea.
It is a dual purpose in draining a Texas swamp and nuking Kim Jong Un.
Nuff Said