Mr. Spock, this is Captain Donnie,
come in Mr. Spock!!!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Mr. President was at the United Nations since yesterday. His accomplishments yesterday were getting over 100 nations to sign a petition for the United Nations to become more united and efficient.
More united and efficient. That really sounds great, until one realizes that Balkanized nations tend to bring more wars by the Gary Cohn financiers. Confederated nations tend to bring the same amount of wars as the world has now in the confederated UN which Mr. Trump is sojourning at, while Mr. Trump is now advocating a Federalized or Globalist United Nations, where wars are not permitted, because a police state murders all those people who do not believe in feudal globalism.
So what Mr. Trump just put together a coalition advocating to reform the United Nations into a global enforcer of globalist mandates.
Not what Americans voted for in 2016.

Slams Socialism...
Targets rogue regimes, threatens to 'destroy North Korea'...
'Rocket Man on suicide mission'...
Warns Iran...
What the Lame Cherry particularly was puzzled by was Mr. President's diatribe against socialism.
Socialism is a societal order where the regime mandates to businesses and society control, by the tax codes and redistribution of tax money for profits. Again, Paris Accords which Mr. Trump kept America in, G 20 global mandate to end poverty in taking US money and giving it to 3rd world vermin, NAFTA, Obamacare, Trump Tax, Trump infrastructure spending, Ivanka Brand of using Rice Niggers to make her shoes for New York valued profits as Americans are inflated to an economic gulag is all SOCIALISM.
America is a National Socialist state or a Nazi state as is France, Germany, Spain, Britain, Norway, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, Greece, Italy, Israel. Russia is an oligarch state, while China is a communist slave state, with nations like North Korea and Venezuela. So for Mr. President to come out condemning socialism, while entrenching America into socialism further from the Obama era, by Gary Cohn, the Fed, Jared and Ivanka Trump, as Mr. President employs his Junta thugs in Herbert McMaster giggling about nuclear war, Mad Dong Maddis plotting nuclear war, and Junta Kelly throwing Americans out who do not want nuclear war, all jack boot stomping Americans who detest the socialist order, it is a bit of a Beam me up Donnie moment.
So in review of Donald Trump at the United Nations.
See if Donald Trump had kept his promises from 2016, I mean like 3 out of the 100 he has broken, from DACA to Paris Accords, I might believe him, but Mr. President says one thing, Tweets another, as his leftist socialist Nazi are doing something else which leaks out into the press, which Mr. President is not leaking to in Maggie Haberman and Robert Costa of the Times and Post.
Donald Trump is moving to make the United Nations more powerful, arresting the power of the United States by making the United Nations the global order.
Donald Trump is scouring socialism, but is cementing socialism in the United States and the world to the extreme.
What Mr. Trump therefore says has zero value, as he talks to the base to con them, while his actions at the United States are absolute globalism and absolute socialism.
As stated, Beam me up Donnie, because Scottie has left the orbit with the Enterprise, because Donald Trump is only going where Stalin and Obama have gone before.
- Lame Cherry
Why Captain Donnie, you're just like me........