Friday, September 22, 2017

I Hate Missing Fish Head Mysteries

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I hate mysteries when they are not on DVD's.

Like this mystery in The Case of the Appearing Sheep Head.

No it is not a real sheep head like the Godfather, but a Sheep Head as in a Freshwater Drum, a fish, with rocks in it's head.

See  I was going out to do chores and spot this plastic bag in the yard, and figure "What the hell is Mom dropping plastic bags in the yard with stuff in them, as I have to pick that shit up!"

So I feed the cats, and walk over the bale, as I feed there too, as cats can not eat together, and I spot this fish, a silvery fish, a Sheep Head laying there.

Baffled, I ponder that as the cats are eating it, as it probably belongs to that damn plastic bag in the yard which is disgusting and I have to pick it up.

See, either a tornado picked up a fish and a bag and dropped it into the yard, as the cats never get fish, and really like this fish, or someone dropped some damned bag in my yard, as I doubt it fell out on the road and the cats dragged up a plastic bag, took the fish out and left the bag.

I dislike people being familiar with me. I dislike people dropping goddamn things off in my yard, like deer carcases and not telling me. Made my idiot sister cry when I chewed her ass about that one. I do not live in a dump, even if it looks like it.
Her asshole husband did not appreciate the ass chewing. It is ok as they finally quit sending me birthday cards, which means I am done with these pompous asses.

So it is back to the mystery.

See  I have another mystery in someone keeps dropping off sweet corn stalks, and this year cabbage leaves in the pasture for the cattle and horses. I don't want that shit in the pasture as it probably has bug dust on it, so I throw that shit out.
Thing is they are clever in they do not pull over, but leave the vehicle in the middle of the road to not leave tracks, so I can not find out who the hell it is.

Same with the fish. No tracks, as we had a heavy shower this afternoon, and someone slipped in here and out like a goddamned coyote or neighbor's dog, which I never  get a shot at.

So someone was fishing. They got a sheep head. They got a kid, because they cut off the head to keep it, to cut out the flat "rocks" in the sheep head's head. Drum all have this and they grow with the size of the fish.
Position looks like it was on the passenger side, so was two of these fish droppers, one driving and one setting the goddamn bag out. Fish was fresh, so was this afternoon.......of course no boat as no one turned around in the yard......again probably some dumb ass dock fisherman.

As stated I loathe people, so I don't get familiar with them, so they think they can be friendly and intrude as I don't want some son of a bitch in my yard being friendly. Is probably some "lake person" who thinks they know me and I am likeable, but they don't know me if  they think I am likeable.

I do not think it was Homeland, as I could not see them coming back and emptying their garden produce or their dead fish in  the yard. Just seems like some low educated fucktard, you know like the family, but they think I will shoot at them or something, so they never set foot on the place, so it can not be them.
Just some fucktard who never thinks from point A  to point C  that shit is on vegetables and that it is not fun picking up a plastic bag with what was fish in them in their generosity.

That is the mystery. Am going to ask our neighbor who is even more nosy than me, if he has seen anything, as they know more what is going on in this place than I do.

I doubt they will be dropping off money, as no one drops off bags of money. Just dead corn and dead fish.

Just more Darwin stupid fucktard people in this world.
