Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Ivanka Suffers from Tom Brady Cock Withdrawal

Most men are 10 cc, Jared was 2 cc
but when it comes to Tom Brady, 
I'm Mr. Deluge Big Gulp Meter Man


Experts caution against Tom Brady dietary hydration...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in Lame Cherry matter anti matter.

Well it is official in Ivanka Kushner has confessed  to Dr. Oz, that she is suffering from dehydration, low sodium, low protein in being married to Jared Kushner, as she deals with Tom Brady Cock Withdrawal. 

Ivanka Trump reveals struggles with postpartum depression on 'DR. OZ'...

Yes we should all forget about Ivanka's plotting against Christians, her infidelities, her betrayal of America, because suddenly Ivanka is a victim, well at least when she is not posing as President at the United Nations and hiding behind children in photo ops in trying to soften her Trumpenfuror image.
Yes Ivanka PPD comes and goes, but her inability to deal with not having Tom Brady's massive erection and the massive deluge of his fluids re hydrating her is something which depresses her.

I'M NOT IN LOVE - 10cc - YouTube

10cc - I'm not in love (complete version) (video/audio edited & restored) HQ/HD - Duration: 6:04. Retro Channel Anglo 228,135 views. 6:04.
*For those who are not aware 10 cc is the amount of semen the average man produces upon ejaculating. Now you get the satire.
The thing is Ivanka Kushner can dream up these publicity stunts which take weeks to set up, and comedy can shred her bogus stories in a few minutes of typing, which sets the narrative. Her scheming and plotting is not working......and she is starting to recycle material in her putting Trump voters first.
Cheers Ivanka, here's a Tom Brady Big Gulp for you.
Nuff Said