I believe that all Trump policy is best based with a Muslim cock
ejaculating in an Eastern European slave prostitute with a Shylock like me
making money on the condoms and the hotel room for Ivanka Brand.
- Jared Kushner
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is interesting to watch the 1600 Penn circus enveloping the dirty secrets of Jared Kushner, as Kushner was the original Cassius in removing all of the contenders to advising Donald Trump, and picked every one of them off and ignorantly thought that bringing in the FOP (friend of pedos) Mike Pence as his Brutus would make life easy for willowy Jared Kushner in the whims of Jael Ivanka.
Now though the inner workings of the Trump Junta are solidifying and Jared Kushner is becoming expendable, as the filth of his trade is filling the press. The latest revelation is Jared Kushner's favorite Muslim with money Yousef Otaiba, build his career as basically the best Slavic whore peddler in Washington DC.
Otaiba was given a prominent spot in a Kushner bio as being one of his most important advisers in the Kushner inner circle along with the Jewish ambassador.
Israel ambassador Ron Dermer
United Arab Emirates Ambassador Yousef Otaiba
As he searches for solutions to Middle East peace, Kushner has developed the strongest personal relationships with the ambassadors to the U.S. of Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
As this requires a bit of background, Jared Kushner was informing the whore runner of of the Mideast ALL of the Trump Administrations moves in bringing peace to the Mideast. The UAE is nothing but a money laundering fiefdom like Qatar which was running funds for terrorists in John McCain's ISIS.
Kushner consulted with Otaiba about the purpose and the objective of the trip.
“We talk big picture,” Otaiba said. “He continues to be someone I engage with on a regular basis on the broader issues facing the Middle East.”
The inner workings of Jared Kushner's close Muslim adviser is detailed in the whore parade that Otaiba provided to friends and clients where poor Eastern European Slavic women are lured into various Mideast brothels with promises of money, modeling and all their dreams come true. Instead these poor women are exploited, threatened, raped into submission and degraded beyond all humanity as they are part of the sex slave trade of these elite.
From Tel Aviv to any Muslim ivory tower, Slavic women are being exploited and ruined, and now we know that Jared Kushner is joined at the hip with this evil part of the pounds of flesh trade.
The women were brought into the Abu Dhabi apartment in abayas.
“Pick who you want,” the men were told, and she would be theirs until noon the next day.
Roman Paschal recalled about seven women to choose from. They dropped their long cloaks, he said, revealing “nightclub clothes” underneath. He picked a woman who turned out to be from Romania.
Paschal had been flown to the United Arab Emirates by his friend Yousef Al Otaiba, in whose apartment they were gathered
The expose' on Kushner reveals that this Muslim pimp not only is joined at the hip with Jared Kushner, but that CIA Director Pompeo and other national security officials are all being wined and dined by this pimp.
Along the way, Otaiba has become one of the most powerful and well-connected men in Washington, reportedly in touch with Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, on a weekly basis. His spending on galas, hospital wings, dinner parties, and birthday bashes has become legendary. Close with CIA Director Mike Pompeo and other top national security officials, Otaiba has bankrolled nearly every major think tank in Washington.
What we are witnessing at this moment is only the present. To view who created this Muslim pimp ensnaring all the powerful in brothel diplomacy, we discover that it was Frank Wisner, Obama's son of the CIA, who mentored this young Muslim to become an accomplished pimp.
This is most important as this progresses in who appears in the deep state allied with this, in none other than Vice President Mike Pence.
Years before his meteoric rise as a Washington operator, one of Otaiba’s mentors, Frank Wisner, the former ambassador to Egypt, where Otaiba went to high school, encouraged the young Emirati to go to Georgetown University, in Washington. “He wasn’t off to university to chase girls, drink beer, play football,” said Wisner, for a profile of Otaiba I co-wrote in 2015. “He wanted to prepare himself for the life that lay in front of him.”
One can note that since February 24th, 2017 in how Wayne Madsen's assessment via Zero Hedge has mutated in who is running the Trump Trans. As you read this, you can now comprehend that the entire second level of the Trump Adminstration has been wiped out, with Bannon removed from the First Level, as Jeff Sessions has been exposed as always having been the conduit of the deep state in the Third Level, which is the Junta ruling the White House for Bush fam.
The first administration and the most visibly powerful is Trump’s inner circle. At the present time, this consists of Trump, chief strategist Stephen Bannon, Trump daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, special assistant to the president Stephen Miller, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Although Bannon came to Trump from the presidential campaign of Senator Ted Cruz, the former Breitbart News publisher has become a virtual «Svengali», influencing Trump on foreign and domestic policies.
The second administration represents the establishment Republicans who endorsed Trump after he secured the Republican presidential nomination. This circle includes White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, the former Republican National Committee chairman, and Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary who had the same job at the Republican National Committee under Priebus. Trump’s counselor and former presidential campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, who, like Bannon, came from the Cruz campaign, funds herself often on the outside of the Trump inner circle and more in the company of establishment Republicans Priebus and Spicer. Priebus and Conway, and, to a lesser extent, Spicer, are the eyes and ears of congressional Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan in the White House.
The third administration represents the longtime «deep state» interests and is a combination of George W. Bush/Ronald Reagan administration neoconservative activists and powerful Wall Street and Houston/Dallas oil business moguls traditionally linked to Republican politics. While the neocons and business interests do not agree on much, they are taking advantage of the disorganization of the Trump administration to secure their own power centers. Recently, officials of this «third» administration were seen vying for influence and stature at the 2017 Munich Security Conference.
In less than a year, we have before us the purge on election eve of all Christians from the Trump Administration. Then the loyalists were picked off for 8 months, and now this is gaining focus on the corrupt Jared Kushner who is either framing his innocent brother in law, Don jr., with Kushner's Russian Jewish consorts, or is in bed with the Muslim pimp of Washington DC.
As this worm turns, we have before us Munich, where Donald Trump did not remove America from the Paris Accords, Munich where America signed onto globalists feudal rule of the world, and in this we find Mike Pence and Mad Dog Mattis holding court funded by Muslim terror money, Obama's court, Clinton's operatives, the #NeverTrumpers, and the Muslim pimp, Otaiba's handler in Frank Wisner, in who Mike Pence was consulting with.
So you understand this point which is obvious, Otaiba was groomed by the CIA to run a brothel where the people in power would be recorded with whores, and at this juncture as Mike Pence has picked off every American in the Trump cabinet leaving only the Neolib Jew bankers like Gary Cohn, the Junta having the President under House Arrest in seizing the President's phone, Ivanka held hostage, and the entire Bush fam now in control, that it is time for Jared Kushner to go, and that signals that Mike Pence is now the acting dictator of the United States for the deep state.
Munich provided the third Trump administration with a platform from which to reinforce the «world order» that Trump campaigned against. Governments that had donated handsomely to the Clinton Foundation and made no secret of their abhorrence of Trump as a candidate, were on hand in Munich to warmly embrace Pence and Mattis. Among those in attendance were Saudi Arabia’s wily anti-Iranian foreign minister and former ambassador in Washington Adel bin Ahmed al-Jubeir, Saudi Arabia’s more slyer former intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal bin Abdulaziz, Qatari foreign minister Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani and defense minister Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah, Bahraini foreign minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Khalifa, Kuwaiti deputy prime minister Shaikh Khaled al Jarrah al-Sabah, and Moroccan royal cabinet minister Youssef Amrani and the Moroccan king’s counselor AndrĂ© Azoulay. Undoubtedly, these Arab potentates will soon bestow their largesse upon members and corporate contrivances of the Trump family.
Pence and Mattis also rubbed shoulders at Munich with such influential anti-Trump personages as Bono, the U-2 rock band celebrity; former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff; Ohio Governor John Kasich; former Defense Secretary William Cohen; Microsoft founder Bill Gates; Woodrow Wilson Center director Jane Harman; Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institution and his wife and chief architect of the 2014 Ukrainian Coup Victoria Nuland; former Senator Joseph Lieberman; International Rescue Committee director David Miliband; Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse; ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff; and Frank Wisner, Jr., a longtime U.S. diplomat with deep state ties and the son of Frank Wisner, Sr., the CIA’s original crafter of «fake news», CIA propaganda disguised as actual news.
And if Trump’s avid anti-globalist supporters believe that their president is «draining the swamp» of their bitterest of foes, they might be surprised that Pence and Mattis were in the company in Munich of Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Trilateral Commission deputy chairman Michael Fuchs, and global political troublemaker George Soros.
The third Trump administration of Pence, Mattis, and Tillerson signaled the world that the actual Trump administration, the one representing America’s «deep state», will continue to run the U.S. government.
This entire disaster rests upon this smarmy Jared Kushner, as the deep state knew Jared and Ivanka were the weak links, and exploited them to rid the President of Christians and Loyalists, as the anaconda began encircling this Presidency. Now Mike Pence has put the squeeze on Jared Kushner. This schnook was so busy in his vendettas and self obsessions that he never knew he was being played, and the real piece movers are about to rid themselves of this pawn on their board.
Politically Kushner is crippled over the Mueller witch hunt. The left hates this arrogant child and the right detests this fraud. His Mideast overtures have cut out the primaries, and so the story of Kushner with a Muslim pimp has damaged the cuck as he has played into every stereotype the Muslims believe of Jews and every stereotype the Jews do not want to be known for.
Personally the Lame Cherry is filled with revulsion over all of this, because the Kushner's could have had value if they would have just been behind the scenes, and in 10% of the Trump policy advocated for the left wing positions, as dealing with working with mothers with children would have been a very good policy. Instead this problem child Ivanka grabbed power, destroyed others like Mike Flynn and Steve Bannon who would have protected them, and created a political vacuum, which the deep state planned for, and now have moved into as they use Kushner filth to neutralize the cuck and the Trumpenfuror, for the absolute rule they have always envisioned.
In all of this, remember the Lame Cherry exclusive of what was assessed first here, that this was all about forcing Donald Trump out, and installing Mike Pence as President as Jeb Bush as Vice President.
For those who doubted, it is closer to something the can envision now.
The deep state has run one of thee most perfect of American coups. It was bloodless and without crime and by psychological manipulation using misplaced family loyalties, overthrew the American election of 2016 by August 30th, 2017 AD in the year of our Lord.