Saturday, September 23, 2017

Lame Cherry: HAARP Moisture Plume

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is again a massive High Pressure system sitting off the American west coast out in the Pacific. Most people have no idea as it was not reported, but the northwest was baked in 100 plus degree heat for four months.
Las Vegas finally turned off the air conditioners in mid September.

America has been two lands. The West was zero moisture, while the east looked like a primordial swamp of the Bible in the land being watered from the ground.

This is a series of the the past day in showing exactly what HAARP has been destroying the American ecosystem.

In order to have this kind of moisture appear, there has to be weather fronts, and yet time and again in the east, there is this HAARP Moisture Plume which the Lame Cherry has exclusively recorded.  As you can see by this series, again the west is bone dry, and there is only ONE major storm front again, but it is immense again from Texas to Canada.

If notice in this, the only front over the Great Plains DOES NOT MOVE for hours. Yet there is the HAARP Moisture Plume

In normal weather patterns which were a decade ago, America would have probably three weather pressure systems operating in America, in a mixture of High Pressure, Lo Pressure and Stationary Fronts.

I know I am fed up with this famine producing HAARP, which has it 90 degrees one day, 50 degrees the next, and in most instances I get hot north winds and cold south winds.

Again in the above, there is a HI PRESSURE NOT ALLOWING in weather from the Pacific Ocean, so where is this huge central Plains storm system coming from as it just appeared again, with the signature high winds preceding it, meaning HAARP is super heating another location, which is sucking the air in rising air plumes of heat, the atmosphere flipping and the cold air dropping in the roll.

There sure ain't no money is Donald Trump depressing the hell out of everyone. Tough calling in the two leggers, when the milk cow is tapped out and coyotes been gnawing on the bones.
