Monday, September 11, 2017

Michelle Reaper

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Chicago Sun Times: PAGE NOT FOUND

Now that the Obama legacy has embarked upon a Soros funded terrorism campaign, utilizing Obama minions to fake news a coup against Donald Trump and funding Antifa, BLM and regime oriented National Socialists to to terrorize America in more Obama race rage which permeated the 9 years of the Obama Birther presence upon the world state, there is the Truth of the Obama legacy which requires being written,  as the Obama Library will spend billions and waste billions by creating more self absorbed amateurs to change the first world to the Obama 3rd world.

The following is not a new story, but it is the reality of the Obama library wasting money which could help the poor instead as Val-erie Jarrett deepened the Chicago ghettos destroying all hope, in the same artifice that Michelle Robinson Obama used her position at Chicago's University Medical Center to throw the poor out of necessary advanced treatment and dump them into community clinics for them to die.

The Truth though is being censored from the media, and starting with the Chicago media, as the Obama  Legacy does not want it known that Michelle Obama was the Michelle Reaper in sentencing Chicago blacks, tans and whites to rationed death, in the original Grim Mistress.

University of Chicago Medical Center Is Failing Emergency Patients, Nations Emergency Physicians Say; Urge Congress to Hold Hearings on the State of Emergency Care

The Lame Cherry is going to explain this not as others have, but to make this a picture of Chicago politics in all of it's cronyism and corruption. I do not lay this on the Daily Machine, but this is what takes place when the Daily Machine revealed the grease which moves Chicago to Val-erie Jarrett types, who then used blood to lubricate their profits for their particular cronies.

The origins of Rationed Death on the sacrifice of the Chicago poor in this heap of dead, all originated in the slimy ooze of this organization which became Obama in all of it's fiction, in this period. It was a fiendish  and malevolent mass which became the tumor of Obama Inc.

It was simple in Obama was a teacher  who was popular with children. Jesse Jackson was being replaced and a neo negroid leader, and Obama became that political operative, who with black and jewish backing in Chicago was to lead the black vote democratic for the coming national elections.
That was the Obama purpose at the DNC, which brought this bungling Obama a national platform, which resurrected Obama's Dreams of My Obama for new profits, which ushered Michelle to a 300,000 plus a year job at the University of Chicago and other boards which brought in half a million a year for her.

On the University medical board, was Val-erie Jarrett, the Obama mentor. It was Jarrett's cronyism which would drive the Michelle Obama rationed death, as the "cut" was in. The University was to defer costs by dumping sick people into clinics and other hospital facilities who did not have insurance or were on Medicaid as there was not any profit.
Chicago healthcare was to be like European health care, in the people who paid got the cures, and the people who could not afford to pay, were driven off to clinics where they could linger in a degrading condition and die.
This is the system which Obama brought to America, and is the system that Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan protected for the same cronies of medical profits, as it gouged and fined Americans a trillion dollars more in 2017 AD in the year of our Lord.

The dead in Chicago to the dead across America from bullet wounds not treated to cancer are the result of Michelle Obama as the Reaper in the Grim Mistress of profit for Val-erie Jarrett who drove this plan in Chicago and making it national.

There was one problem in this illegal patient dumping by Michelle Obama is that it is criminal, so in order to sell it, the Afroid Jewry terms of endearment, ushered in Jewish propagandist, David Axelrod to tell everyone a crime was not a crime.

This is the Obama Inc in gestation. The corrupt Afroid Jewry elite of Second City, delivering the black vote to the national Caucasian leadership and each group taking their 30 pieces of silver dipped in the blood of the poor. Jarrett ran the syndicate to protect  the elite, Michelle Obama ran the protection racket to rid society of the poor and David Axelrod ran the lies, telling everyone it was the change they could believe in.

......and now the Obama's have returned to the scene of their original sin, Michelle Obama bit the hog butcher of the world in Carl Sanders prose and fed on the flesh of the poor, and the image Obama and the wife Michelle are building a halo to themselves in this Grim Reaper of Death in Obama Politics in Chicago, calling their darkness light and casting an even darker shadow the community organized by the Obama's in record murders and Chicago being an ever expanding ghetto of death, as the rest of America has become, as Obamerica has become a grave to all.

Obama halo to Personal Narcissism

Nuff Said
