Friday, September 1, 2017

My frugal sympathies

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I witnessed this exchange today in the grocery store and burst out laughing.

Scene, an old fat bald dude, asks a store clerk the following:

Do you got any of them cheap sympathy cards?

Dude had no idea how that sounded, as it was a summation of society in here was a man who was forced to show sympathy, to progress the delusion that he was a caring friend or family member, but sympathy had a price of 25 cents to 50 cents as he followed that up with:

Those cards back there are 2.50.

Now we all do this, but we have sense enough to not state it out loud. We buy the cheap cards, unless it is really important, concerning our reputation, as everyone looks on the back of that card to see if it is the 2 to 5 dollar Hallmark, as Hallmark has a real racket in this, in rich people like saying, "Money does not matter to me in I am generous with a card to you", and people who are courting like to buy cards that are expensive, so the other person does not know how cheap we are until after the marriage......or in this case the sex in this immoral world.

So a sympathy card from this guy goes like:

Here are my heartfelt condolences...
No he is a dude so it goes like this:

Sorry for your loss, Chuck was a great guy, I will miss him.


Please do not look at the back of this card, as I am a cheap bastard. I am forced to send this card so you do not know I do not give a damn about anyone but me. If you do look at the back of the card, I don't really care, because you are a poor son of a bitch and can not retaliate on me like a cop or an IRS agent.
Please be conned by this action taken by me and make sure you tell everyone how wonderful I am in doing this, as no one gives a rat turd about you. 

Give me one of those cheap cards as I have to do this, so no one knows I do not care about anyone but me. That sounds like the majority of the people who are the deadbeats. I particularly enjoy the "I support Lame Cherry and donated".......yes they sell land to me by the generosity of your words and that donation 3 years ago is like you paid for groceries 3 years ago, and the market lets you walk out of there without paying every time since then.

It reminds me of my tight ass brother in law when my dad died. He had no business in picking out caskets, but was down there sticking his nose in with this gem, "He would not have wanted anything expensive as he was a common man".
This from the bro in law who dresses like a cheap whore in jewelry to validate his pathetic worthless miserly soul and will eat the main special on the menu that he hates, to save 50 cents, instead of buying something he would like.
When this prick goes to hell, it will be the Taj Majal in funeral costs. My sister can sell it on the street corner to pay for it....and if she croaks, she will get a cardboard box to be cremated in, as he hooks up with some Mexican mama named Lupe.

My siblings were like that when Mom was being treated with a broken hip. The meds would cost 10,000 dollars. I told Mom I would somehow come up with that as she needed them. My brother was silent. My sisters vanished at the 10,000 dollar cost.

In those two cases of my dad's funeral and Mom's costs, God actually had good people appear in the undertaker told us he was not charging us a thing as he liked dad and with Mom the doctor gave her free samples from the pharm corporation.

As I type this another calf died for no reason, as you people are so septic in your toxic evil which you keep pouring out into the world, but I trust God is going to make up for things someday, because poor people send cheap cards because they can not afford them, and dudes pick out cards that are cheap, because they are cheap bastards.

Dude though does have some dignity. He will not rummage around at a funeral home stealing a card out of the box and Dude did not send an old one from when his parents went tits up.
