Kurt Tuchler, a member of the German Zionist Federation Executive, "persuaded Baron Leopold Itz Edler von Mildenstein of the SS to write a pro-Zionist piece for the Nazi press. The Baron agreed on the condition that he visited Palestine first, and two months after Hitler came to power the two men and their wives went to Palestine; von Mildenstein stayed there for six months before he returned....Von Mildenstein... wrote favorably about what he saw in the Zionist coloniesin Palestine; he also persuaded Goebbels to run the report as a massive twelve-part series in his own Der Angriff (The Assault), the leading Nazi propaganda organ (9/26-10/9/34).... To commemorate the Baron's expedition, Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star."
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I relish the real history of the world as it is more interesting than the propaganda the world has been brainwashed to. One such interesting reality were the Jews in Germany.
Jew is a relative term, because the Ashkenazim, were really a Slavic related Asian people from the Sons of Noah in Japheth, who converted to a form of Judaism centuries before. The Judahite of Scripture is a Son of Eber, or as you know it's corrupted version Hebrew in the Egyptian, and recognize it as Shem from which the term Semite arises.
In Germany, as in most of Europe, the Jews were the originators of the Guild or Union structure, and took great pains to gain legal status for their occupations in order to gain monopolies. You will note the same monopolies in banking and media dominate today, as much as the Jewish elite are for the most part liberals, while the poor Jews are religious and conservative.
In the past in Europe, most of these "Jews" were revolutionaries and were assassinating the royals of Europe, and this caused a backlash in the pogroms. It is how most of the Jews ended up in the United States in the 1800's, as Europe was ridding itself of revolutionaries.
In the early 1900's, the Guild Jews of Europe, were implementing Communism, which was overthrowing the entire European structure. It was hid as democracy, but wherever the Guilds were implementing the revolution, it was these unionists seizing power.
In Hitler's Mein Kampf, he records that the Germans in World War I were about to win the war, but in the last year, the unions of German munitions went on strike and crippled the war effort. This was the communists with Jewish Guild leadership with the elders, and it spelled German defeat, and in Germany being rid of the Kaiser, the Jewish communists gained power and control. This was the political war that Hitler was engaged in. Germany was crippled economically. It had successful Jewish Guilds and Finance, with a poor Jewish group who were a drain on society, while the rich Jewish Guild was moving for the end of Germans in Germany.
Once one understands this reality, even as this same Soros funded revolution is still tearing the West apart in this power grab, where poor Jews are still the fodder for the propaganda as the rich are always safe in their ivory towers, the past comes alive with realities.
In Germany in the Nazi regime, there were 150,000 Jews serving in the German army. There were numbers of officers in the German military and the Secret Police. These are some examples of the prominent Mischling or Germans who were part Jewish who were proud members of the German regime, and all desired to have full status as German citizens.
The most famous face in Germany and the world was Private Werner Goldberg, a blue eyed, blond haired prototype who appeared on publications as the definition of a German Aryan.
It is a reality that Herman Goering and Adolf Hitler both had Jewish people on their staffs, and certified them as Aryans, and these Jews served the Reich with full zest in all Hitler policies.
Werner Goldberg
Field Marshall Erhard Milch
General Helmet Wilburg
General Johannes Zuckertort
Colonel Walter Hoelander
Commander Paul Ascher
Admiral Bernhard Rogge
If being a Jew in Germany was a death sentence and a train ride to the work camps, these Jews like those in industry, were different for the Fatherland, because they were protected inside the system from being sold by the elders, and they were loyal to Germany in being National Socialists.
The Germans are always branded the scapegoats in every history, as the American right is branded the anti semite evil in modern smears, but the following is a Jewish German reality of what it was like to be in his skin.
"Helmuth Kopp remembered how, on the few occasions he saw him during the 1920’s and early 1930’s, his Jewish grandfather, Louis Kaulbars, hit him with a whip and called him goy. Although he had a Jewish mother, his grandfather did not consider him Jewish. One day his grandmother protested this treatment, telling her husband, "That’s our daughter Helen’s child!" The grandfather replied, "No that’s Wilhelm’s goy!" My soul was damaged, Kopp said in 1995. Mother died in 1925, he went to live with his Jewish aunt and uncle. He attended orthodox school, and had a belated bris. He entered the Wehrmacht in 1941."
In this, the German military gave Helmuth Kopp, not only protection, but his identity as a human, where his racist grandfather, treated him as a half breed subhuman.
None of this is to discount the experience of the work camps, but it is to point out that once again you have been lied to, in order for a nice neat package of fake history has been brainwashed into you for a powerful groups purpose to exploit you in your good natures.
It all returns to the original image of the German Reich, minting a commemorative coin with the Swastika and Star of David on it, in which Hitler's Germany was in the 1930's joining to promote a Jewish homeland, based upon the blood and soil of the German Reich. This coin was minted to commemorate the official state visit of Germans and Jews from the Reich to Palestine for a return of the Jews.
The British stood in the way of this venture, went so far as to begin bringing in Muslims to resist this, as Germany was an adversary.........and London knew that if those pesky communists were out of Germany, then Germany would be stable, rise again and become a contender against British dominance.
History takes on a different shade when all the components become understood.
"The Star of David side inscription reads: EIN NAZI FÄHRT NACH PALÄSTINA -- A Nazi Travels to Palestine. The Swastika side inscription is UND ERZÄHLT DAVON IM Angriff -- And tells about it in the Angriff".