Monday, September 18, 2017

The United States Presidency Has Been Violated

The Season has arisen for the Supreme Court to oversee Robert Mueller


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is a matter of the United States Presidency, which is of Democrat and Republican, for questions have arisen in the President and his staff leading America in this nuclear jeopadous times, that the White House Staff believes that certain people are wearing wires to record their conversations for Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Tension between the two comes as life in the White House is shadowed by the investigation. Not only do Mr. Trump, Mr. Kushner and Mr. McGahn all have lawyers, but so do other senior officials. The uncertainty has grown to the point that White House officials privately express fear that colleagues may be wearing a wire to surreptitiously record conversations for Mr. Mueller.

This is a criminal act which Robert Mueller has been engaged in, because if the Russians were leveraging people in the White House to wear wires it would be espionage.
There are certain sensitivities even in law enforcement, in there are boundaries which can not be crossed. No one can wire someone working at the NSA, due to the secret information involved there. The same is true with the Pentagon, FBI and Homeland. There simply are boundaries which can not be crossed for the security of the nation, and for the necessary leadership of a nation.

Ken  Starr when investigating Bill Clinton, did not wire people as that was beyond the bounds of legal investigation of the President, as it would be entrapment and accessing secure conversations on a number of subjects.

There are realities in the Mueller witch hunt, in he has Jared Kushner and others cooperating. Someone in Kushner's staff leaked smearing emails on Donald Trump jr. to assist Mr. Mueller in  what appears to be a quid pro quo in cooperation. There is a sanctity in the White House which can not be violated.
We have witnessed far too many corrupt protections in the Clinton and Obama White Houses of lying to diaries and cover ups in Benghazi, but those individuals were involved in protecting the President which is a necessity. Mr. Trump apparently has nothing but John McCain songbirds reporting back to Robert Mueller and now wearing wires, as people are having conversations which others are apparently attempting to lead them, and the warning lights are going off.

It is at this time that the White House MUST convene a 3 Judge Panel, to solicit a review of everything Robert Mueller has been engaged in, as a right of discovery to protect the Office of the President. These Justices should be from the Supreme Court, and include Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Stephen Breyer to oversee this investigation to ascertain who has been given immunity, who is a cooperating witness, and if people are wearing recording devices inside the White House.

If any of this proves to be founded, Robert Mueller has gone beyond a witch hunt to the a zealotry that is treason as no one has the right to put listening devices into the White House or coercer people in the White House to inform of the Staff there.
If Robert Mueller has engaged in this, he and every investigator involved must be arrested on espionage as this is not an investigation any longer with any respect to the rule of law, and Assistant Attorney Rob Rosenstein must be fired as he has been involved in an investigation which has been criminal.

It is time for the Supreme Court in it's Constitutional Authority to become involved as Attorney General Jeff Sessions is fiddling as DC burns by Mueller's torch jamming into every corner to set it ablaze. There must be checks and balances as there are not any checks on Robert Mueller and there is not any balance in this investigation as it has become one of espionage.

Nuff Said

