Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Trump Translation

Would this face lie to You

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So you have read these headlines:

MNUCHIN: 'Extraordinary' if tax cuts gets done THIS YEAR...
Trump warns McCain: 'Be careful because at some point I fight back'...

What this means is just as I told you in this year of 2017, when these traitors do not pass the removal of Obamacare that is another 1 trillion dollars out of American pockets.
When these traitors do not pass tax cuts, that is another 2 trillion dollars out of your pockets. By not accomplishing it this year, it means none of this goes through until 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, which genocides each of you further in debt, being replaced with Trumpnesty, and YOU CAN NOT FUND AMERICAN CANDIDATES AND ALL YOU ARE LEFT WITH IS........BANNON ESTABLISHMENT GOPLITERS.


You shit for brains who are still buying this Mr. President is keeping his promises really have shit for brains. If Donald Trump was legit, he would be railing on all of this to point out exactly what this blog has just posted and you have just been educated on, but instead you got Mr. President sucking the Mitch and Bannon making you his bitch in running the same traitors as before.

I have had it with the non donors. You people deserve all of this and you deserve your Hannity and Cuckservitude Treehose telling you the lies only you want to hear.
If I did not have to answer to God, I should have lied to you and you would have donated in the narration you are deceiving yourselves with.

 I wonder what the odds are before John McCain, become "My good friend John McCain, I am going to join on amnesty, because he has brain cancer after all, and his fat daughter needs some Pepe to marry her as no white man wants to risk breaking his dick, slipping off of her".

Tetas for Pepe

Nuff Said

