As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I feel a great deal of empathy in the saga of La David Johnson for Gorilla Cernovich who posted some man love for Junta Kelly at the presser in hoping that Kelly had been President instead of Donald Trump. It is not easy to be in this business and be moved to post things for a narrative. It is as Jackie Gleason stated, "CBS knew what they were doing in the train for me, giving me every perk in the world, so that when I balked, they had me, because I was addicted to the life".
It is as the old Stag told Bambi in the forest, you start protecting the doe and fawn, instead of yourself, as you agree to things which you would not normally post.
As for Junta Kelly, I found his presser halting and worthless, because he staggered over the President and focused on the politics, and never stated what needed to be stated, as it is being stated in every story, but the entire brain dead world does not comprehend what the stories are informing you of, but anyone who has been in the briar patch knows exactly what happened.
Sgt. La David Johnson left behind in Niger attack, body found ...
Details are still coming in about the ambush that claimed the lives of four United States servicemen in Niger. Sgt. La David Johnson, Staff Sgt. Bryan ...US Soldier's Body May Have Been In Hands Of ISIS Following ...
Army Sgt. La David Johnson's body wasn't found until two days after he was killed in Niger.Sgt La David T. Johnson | Abagond
His body was not recovered for two ... They found him before the signal from his military beacon ... That is how Sgt. La David Johnson was left behind.
I have had it with the SALOOT crowd in praising all these uniform wearers like they were Sgt. York. Junta Kelly spewed the same thing about the "finest Americans" when the fact is the President had it about right when he said about John McCain in I want the guy who is not the fumducker who gets captured, not the guy who was.
You do not get to be the finest, nor a hero, just because you are above ground or buried in it. That is what the bastardization of all of this is the problem in this, is because no one knows but God what is in these soldier's souls.
La David Johnson was not the finest. He could not considering his environment of existential experience. The finest are as Teddy Roosevelt counseled in they grow up on wild game, they play with guns, their first step into manhood is trapping furs for money, their initiation into manhood is their first deer. They fixate on guns as tools and not weapons. They have been in the dark and afraid, of those sounds which they do not know what they are, but they tough it out as not carrying on, will get you forever stuck cooking with the women at the house.
La David Johnson was bling. He is like all of this military in the majority which has never had a real experience with predators and the hunted. He could not recognize danger because he could not FEEL IT as that sense had not been honed in him. If his GPS, his nightvision and his radar print are not doing the feeling for him, he is blind, deaf and in a coma to the real world of combat.
Try this one on for reality:
CNN reports that military intelligence showed it was “unlikely” they would run into enemy forces.
They were meeting with locals and advising Nigerian forces. When more than 50 ISIS fighters opened fire with rocket propelled grenades and machine guns.
In the chaos that ensued, Johnson became separated from his fellow soldiers. He was found dead nearly 48 hours after the firefight.
The Pentagon’s Africa Command does not know for sure if he was wounded and alive on the battlefield, and if he was even for a brief time in ISIS hands.
You have no blessed idea what you just read, but the Pentagon did, Junta Kelly did, but this tarheel named Frederica Wilson did not, and if that boy's Mama had known, she would not have chosen to use her boy's corpse as a bat to beat Donald Trump with, because the above tells it all.
Remember I informed you that he has NO SENSE, nor did any of his group. He was a Sgt. in Special Forces Green Beret at 25. That is Obama fast track affirmative action, to come back home a hero, to unseat some Republican in Congress just like that gimp in Illinois was tapped for who was ragging on Trump over this too, as she did not know either.
A Green Beret Sgt. should be on the side of 30 years old, with some real Army training, but then this boy was not trained as his parents never took him hunting, so the real combat was a foreign land of electonics and trusting what the brass tell you.
So the boy is 25 and in charge. He is presenting in front of the Negroids, and he walks into a trap of RPG's and full auto fire. Pay attention now as do you know what happens in a fire fight with civilians around?
They run for their black ass lives just like you would do.
Now for what no one is telling you and is the reality, La David Johnson was just like that Daniel Boone song of long ago,
Daniel Boone was a man
Was Big Man
But the bear was bigger
So he ran like a nigger up a tree.......
The military can only brainwash young minds to a point. In a combat unit, you are going to have about 5 gung ho types, 10 that hunker down and five SOB's that freeze solid like a popscicle. That is reality of combat in a blown position.
and when the shit hits the baobob tree you know what happens? Some boy finds his legs and runs for his life.
You do know they have digital camera feeds on these operations and the Pentagon is acting like they are flying blind on La David Johnson. Everyone knows this hero, this finest American, ran to save his life as that is what his instinct told him over his brainwashing.
The reason they could not find his body, is because he tore ass out of there into the jungle. He was either firing blind or ISIS got a bleeder and this AWOL went MIA.
ISIS did not have him, and you know why? Because ISIS would have used him as bait for another ambush or they would have wired the body to KIA some other finest Americans to flag clothing at the burial mound.
That is what the brass knows and is not saying, as it is bad for the hero image and they do try and protect those families from the facts getting out. In this case, we can thank Resistance Mama and Resistance Fred for using this dead boy as a battering ram in politics, so that people started looking at the details and started examining the situation, and some popular girl just happened to post the events on the evidence, because all of this BLM Antifa Resistance is getting America closer to a Herbert McMaster nuclear war which all of us are going to find ourselves running through the jungle over.
Calling La David Johnson a coward is incorrect as he was a product of banning American things like Davy Crockett and John Wayne, driving up Winchester 94 prices and ammo shortages under Obama, and these political officers being promoted to run for Congress to overthrow America on every level.
Now you know by explanation of the evidence above, and you reading that evidence can see it is as plain as Stephen Spielberg in Saving Private Ryan that scene of that coward white boy pissing himself as a German knifes his buddy.
We now have McCain, Obama, Bush and Clinton ISIS for more profits as the cartel tells us there are boogermen out there we just got to go spend trillions of dollars to fight. It is commerce, just like the death benefits the Mrs. will get, and we will be stuck paying these kids a fortune until they are 21 years of age in Social Security, but the bankers will not as they just create the money on keyboards while we have to work for it.
It all would have just been better if this family got their money, got the big sign up bonus, got the flag, accepted the lie about how heroic it all was, but instead this is Obama Resistance in what it does, using up more dead Afroid kids for fodder and being exposed in the end for what fools their leaders are.
This narrative is placed here as all Lame Cherry narratives are, to expose the facts, so the nits scurry away back to the dark as the Light of Truth always does that, and it is a most uncomfortable thing.
Slain US Special Forces hero's aunt says Trump is an 'SOB' and 'liar ...
rollingout.comNuff Said