Saturday, October 14, 2017

Damn, Shylock's 30 Pieces of Silver is thicker than Water

Jews offered up other Jews for work camps and orange marmalade 
in 1940, so why not follow the protocols and save me, as it is
just my brother Harvey


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Damn, that Harvey Weinstein got about as cold blooded Jewkindred as ...........well Jared Kushner setting up Donald Trump jr. over Russiagate.

Did you read what Olde Bob said? I tell you Stephen Paddock's brother deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for fidelity, after you see what Bob Weinstein is doing his own brother.

The Weinstein Co. exec insists he had no idea about "the type of predator that he was" and is sickened by Harvey’s seeming lack of remorse. "I want him to get the justice that he deserves."

Yeah justice like this, and lots of Jews ended up stoned or on Roman crosses from this kind of Jewish elite call for Justice.

What I appreciate in Bob Weinstein's propaganda is feigning that he had no idea about what Harvey was up to, but then there was  that contract Bob agreed to where Harvey got to fondle the help that sort of blows that lie out of the water.

And it gets worse in Bob Weinstein in kicking Harvey out of the Academy. Seriously and SERIOUSLY, why the hell is Ben Affleck not being stripped of his Oscar and not having his ass booted out of the Academy. Is it because Ben Affleck is White Liberal and only those Swarthy Jews can be bartered by the elders to save their own lives?

When you guys were negotiating Harvey's 2015 employment contract…
That I'm not gonna [discuss]. I'm sorry, I’m not gonna be litigated in this article. There is an investigation going on, let that investigation take its course.
Do you think Harvey should be kicked out of the Academy?
Yes, I do. I was gonna actually write [to the Academy]. And I will do it. I am gonna write a note to them saying he definitely should be kicked out of the Academy.

Let us examine this in Harvey Weinstein lost his job, had his marriage destroyed, is deprived of his children. Harvey Weinstein is a fat old Jew, who is being hounded by the FBI, and as the Lame Cherry asked, "What comes next the Jewskin lamp?"
Sickly, his brother is going the extra mile in destroying his own brother.

I think that Harvey Weinstein will come back from this and Lindsey Lohan played this right in backing Harvey while everyone else is trashing this fat old Jew. I do mean fat old Jew, as without Viagra he really is not much of a bother any more, as he does not seem to have a thing for cripples or veg heads in asking them for massages.
And when Harvey comes back, he will find a proxy to waste all those who rose up against him.
