Sunday, October 8, 2017

Disease USA

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sickly it is here my children and my brats, those millions of vermin which the conglomerates have bribed Congress to protect, and Donald Trump as President DID NOT KEEP HIS PROMISE IN DEPORTING OR STOPPING THEIR IMPORT as slave labor for those conglomerates in keeping Ivanka DACA and Dreamers, have in their "legality" just created the first plague in America, since Polio was cured in the 1950's.

California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic...

This is what happens when one imports this many tens of millions foreigners. I will repeat what a Jeff Rense guest stated during the Obama regime, in Department of Labor statistics, the United States had around 90 million foreigners working in America. Add 45 million illegals, and this huge influx of vermin that Donald Trump is legally importing, and now California is a State with liver disease, which can not be replaced nor cured, and all of this disease is spew onto your vegetables, fruits and every computer package shipped out of that state, as Hep A survives and spreads.

Nature abhores freaks and over population. It is always seeking for ways to protect the native gene pool. California with it's millions of imported vermin, is in process like coyotes with mange, self culling itself, and it will spread to the neighboring states.
This is the same situation as Minneapolis Minnesota which is a festering plague of measels and other diseases clean Americans never contract. Add that to the national TB, and the national outbreak of sex diseases all coming for these these hundreds of thousands Muslim and African rape cocks, and there simply is not a large enough medical response which can deal with this.

If Donald Trump was President, he would quarantine California, and shut that shit hole down, and haul Jerry Brown along with the entire California legislature and courts up on charges to Gitmo, and that includes those judges who stopped the Trump ban on foreigners, as this plague outbreak is the result.

Most of you are going to find out in the next decade just how good your American genetics are. How you will appreciate your French Quebec origins in children running barefoot in the snow, to your German and Scandinavian sleeping on floors with rat shit, as it is your genetics which are going to prevail in the plagues. One can not simply dump millions of various species of primates into confined spaces and not have each group start spreading the disease they are not immune to, to the general population.

Patty Doyle on Rense has been tracking this and harping about this for years. It is now the reality and you will face the fact that numbers of you are going to die and the survivors will be the ones who have that DNA to survive and the tomahawks and bullets to defend yourselves.

If you do not have two pairs of shoes which can walk 100 miles, you are not prepared for anything.

Nuff Said
