Nom de Deus, where is the Wide Load sign on this purpleness?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
That Meghan McCain has reached the status of earth moving equipment in needing flashing lights and back up sirens to protect the public as apparently her father's cancer agrees with her, better than old treacherous John McCain, as she has stopped at the feed bag and is on the feed wagon.
It gets kind of large when you are on the The View, a show notorious for it's employment of fat ass ugly women like Whoops and Joys, carrying two state zip code size butts like Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton, and Meghan McCain shows up, and she is the fat one, the plumper, the blimpy, the bulk that people in jet airplanes have phobic dreams about seeing appear, waddling down the aisle and plopping their fatness next to you, to gas you with volumes of perfume to cover up their Raid Grade body odor.
That fat girl who makes fat gals look thin
The View is a definite homing place of that species of females whose asses have long ago reached the 100 pound lard vat. The problem with Megs is unlike Whoops who is black, there is so much whiteness of Meg in her bulk that one suffers from snow blindness, in looking at her reflection. Nom de Deus, I think you could cook an egg off that reflection.
Well by the looks of it, Megs traded on that 2008 defeat of treacherous John McCain to run a comment career into the ground, then ran a radio career into the ground, then ran a FOX career into the ground, and is now running a View career into the ground as she gains about a stone at each location, feeding in the green room.
At least we know she has two more stops left in being a Weight Watcher fat gal and after that a sex change operation to be Merv McCain, where she will be dating that testicle lacking Manning dude.
Until then, Objects Appear Much Larger Because They Are..........
Yes Max Factor slims the face
but there ain't enough blush to cover up a fat ass