As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Psychologically, the treatment which Harvey Weinstein is suffering through is going very well for him, as he is an Alpha Male, who is not going to be bullied, thrown into group therapy nor be caged up with a bunch of losers who keep stating that they are not strong enough to stop destroying themselves.
“He insists he never raped or assaulted anyone, and that all the encounters were consensual. He realizes he has acted like an a–hole, but he still insists he’s not a rapist. He does have his phone, but when he is in therapy, he has to give it to someone else,” the source said, adding, “The characterization of what he said and what happened at the group session isn’t true.”
As there is no evidence that Harvey Weinstein raped anyone, but was simply acting like a male, in males who have been championed and promoted from Don Juan to Rudolf Valentino, to Bill Clinton to whatever else Hugh Hefner has been nailing anything that moved and women spread eagle for them, there should be not any reason he should admit to being a rapist or criminal, and that the reality is in Harvey Weinstein's world is that when a woman holds still long enough for a sex act to occur or for her to do things to Harvey, it was consensual.
Literature is full of stories of women and men. One I remember in a squaw Sioux who was traded to a white man, as the wife, and she tried to kill him with a knife. He had enough of that, beat the hell out of her, and she settled down to be the best wife any husband could ever want and he was right pleased. She was a wild Indian and just needed to be shown she had a man who could handle her and she respected that.
It is no different than the sea Captain having a rough crew that tried to murder him, and he just beat them almost to death with a sail pin. They settled down after that, because as the Captain said, "They just needed to know a man was over them who they could respect".
Of course the laws are now written where the above men would be in prison for life, but those laws ignore the human condition. The reason Harvey Weinstein acted the way he did, is because all of those women he was with did not have men in their lives from relatives to husbands who would have shown up and beat the hell out of him and mashed his balls.
See Harvey Weinstein as a Jew has been protected by that holocaust to do whatever he damn sick pleases and he used it. It is just the system now and Harvey has this right in he really offended some woman and now her husband is in a powerful enough position in the deep state to ruin him.
I am reminded of old Hollywood, where one guy said to a friend, "You know I ask everyone woman I meet to have sex."
The friend repllied, "Don't you get slapped allot?"
"Sure", he said, "but I get allot of sex too".
It is always about "What her ass meant in harassment".
Another Hollywood story was about a Harvey Weinstein who was nailing every woman around, except one gal. Literally the guy said, this woman and her husband, called him up, cornered him, and demanded to know why that big shot was not screwing her like he was everyone else, as was she not good enough for him.
Harvey Weinstein had tastes, sometimes he was just horny and needed relief, but he had taste. What would be more embarrassing is the woman like this Blake Lively married to Ryan Reynolds in Harvey took a pass on her. I mean the old perv is chasing every slit on two continents, and does not hit on that woman, and a host of other women? It is like what did Harvey know.
Weinstein is in a Catch 22 in this in he can not admit to being more than an asshole, or he is going to be sued till his balls are blue by Gloria Alred in a cash pay out in courts. So he can feign remorse as he defends himself, but all he can do is plough on, make Mel Gibson box office billions, donate to the right people, and no one will care, and in that future, someone will finally tell Harvey Weinstein who wanted to cut his balls off and hang them on a wall.
Was it because assaulted a woman, was it because the woman gave in for the cash and now does not want to be called a whore, or was it because some woman is furious that Harvey never bath robed her in a hotel room.
Look so you understand this, Harvey Weinstein was never handsome. Somewhere women made him feel like they do most males. When Harvey got power, he got offended that women were throwing themselves at him for a job and not him. So he liked seeing how far he could push people who would sell their souls as how could he respect idiots with no morals, as they did not respect him or themselves.
It is like this idiot David Cross, who did the locker room pissing contest with some Chinese gal ten years ago, and she got offended, and now Cross' wife is going off on him in Twitter as she does not want to be Mrs. Harvey Weinstein.
David Cross Accused of Racist Behavior by Charlyne Yi
The comedian took to Twitter to respond to the Yi accusations of racist remarks saying that he and Yi may be "misremembering" the event.
It is called being a guy, and that is what little boys have to deal with in other males belittling them as all those pretty girls make snide comments about them. That of course is never addressed, and what creates a Harvey Weinstein.
Little boys get to go die in wars, until some woman decides they are husband material, and then the guy gets to work himself to death for that woman until she decides to trade up, and he gets to pay for raising brats and his ex wife getting nailed by a new loser.
It is a crime to be a man now, because it was criminalized to remove the Christian virtue out of the West, so we all could return to the cave men, where in this venue, the women have a police state to beat the men to death so the women can rule.
If Harvey Weinstein has the sense and protection, he should give the media a bigger platter to fry, and that means pedophiles. He knows which gays in Hollywood, in media and politics who were molesting children. Weinstein becomes a champion of children to "make amends for being an asshole as women treated him badly as a child", and everyone will forget about Harvey, as Harvey is only one of two people in Hollywood who can make money, and Hollywood is bankrupt, and the industry needs him.
Nuff Said