Monday, October 23, 2017

La David Johnson was a Sleeper of the Red Tie Resistance

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Lame Cherry broke the story of the RED TIE RESISTANCE  against Donald Trump, in Frederica Wilson is leading an Obama pushed program in Florida to change 5000 NOT WHITE children into Obama zombie for political gain in Florida as a test program for the Obama Library in Chicago which is costing billions and will be headquarters of the Obama led Manchurians of America to overthrow this nation completely, there is something in this treachery which these conspirators have once again harmed American again in, as the Obama Clinton Resistance goes scorched earth.

The Red Tie Resistance Against Donald Trump

 The KKK had their sheets and the Resistance have their Red Ties

President Trump early Monday disputed the account of his phone call with a Gold Star widow, who provided a description of the call earlier that morning in an interview.
“I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!” Trump wrote on Twitter, referencing one of the Green Berets killed earlier this month in an ambush in Niger.

Those in the RED TIE RESISTANCE are liars as all anarchists are. They will use the dead as La David Johnson, will use Children in the way the Clinton's did, and will use  any crisis the way Obama manufactured them to gain a political jihad victory.

What is harmed in this are the families of American Service  KIA and WIA. No more can they expect a phone call from the President, giving closure to them, after what Myesha La David degraded this all to with the media. It will now all be a military notification and a letter for families who looked forward to hearing from President Trump thanks to Myesha Johnson, her mother in law and Congresswoman Fredrerica Wilson.
What is lost in this is Hillary Clinton voter and Barack Obama officer, John Kelly who works as Chief of Staff for President Trump, stated in a press conference that he did not want the President to make this call. Now why would John Kelly know there was trouble brewing over La David Johnson, unless someone in the Obama Resistance informed him there was going to be trouble. Then it was Kelly's exact words which got President Trump into this trouble.


There is a resistance out there and it is the RED TIE and it is coming from the Obama Library into all 50 states with more of this conspiracy of the left to attack every American institution, to turn cowards who run away into the jungle as heroes like Obama and Eric Holder tried to accomplish with attempted murderer Treyvon Martin. It is targeting children in this Frederica Wilson POLITICAL PEDOPHILIA which now has stooped to POLITICAL NECROMANCY.

Once again, the Lame Cherry is exclusive matter anti matter, breaking the story which no one else saw and informing the public to the facts as no one else will.

Donate up you rich readers as I just saved your President's butt again, because all of your tidbits are not Inspired by God to do the job. All Mr. Trump has is Ivanka on Sean Homo Hannity selling her wares again for 30 pieces of silver.
The Lame Cherry gets the job done in one post and the problem is most of you were too ignorant to understand the enormity of what this blog did again.
