Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Multiple Shooters Confirmed at Las Vegas Slaughter

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jeff Rense aired a most informative interview of a family member of the victims of Las Vegas, in his nephew was shot and they witnessed a woman with them, shot in the face.

This is a synopsis of Brand Thorton's reports of from his family and from those who work in Las Vegas and from the Metro Police there.

Brand Thorton's nephew was shot on the ground, while covering his wife. As he rose to push up position to get up and run, he was shot in the kidney and the bullet exited his chest.
The shot angle could not have come from Mandalay. Whoever shot the nephew, was on the ground from the direction of the airport.

The nephew and his wife hit the ground initially, because they were taking fire from multiple directions and thought that was the safest location, but the shooting was so intense, they attempted to get up and move, and that is when he was shot.

Another girl, a blonde, when they were running away from the place that the nephew was shot, was shot in the face, from a different direction than the nephew, who was not shot from Mandalay. There was a definite shooter from the airport on the ground.

Two different directions of shots, confirmed in two shooters.

There appears to be actual snipers involved in this by the single shots on these two casualties, and as these shooters were not identified accoustically in the recordings, it concludes there were suppressors involved.
The locations north and south are police line taped off.

Conclusion is the nephew was shot by a full metal jacket bullet, as was LaVoy Finicum in Oregon.
Note* Sheriff Lombardo is the Constitutionally elected Law Enforcement Officer who sent the BLM packing from the Bundy stand off.

Brand Thornton had a black SUV come across three lanes to ram his vehicle. The windows were blacked out and the SUV can not be found.
High profile in the Bundy stand off. Scheduled to testify in the Bundy trial, key witness for the defense, one of the original Malheur occupiers who was never arrested.

The FBI visited the nephew in the hospital, once. The FBI refused to listen to his testimony, and instead told the nephew "it happened this way".

Casinos have told the FBI to take a hike, they are not cooperating with FBI, only working with the Metro police.

Nephew has been approached by three major media outlets who told the nephew that his testimony was not what he witnessed, but that it 'happened this way'.

Neice stated she was working at Mandalay, that her location was "shot all to hell". She heard shots close, far, from different directions. The entire Mandalay staff agreed that "there were shooters everywhere".
She estimated 40 locations. Third hand report at Las Vegas Metro to Brand Thornton, states that 7 shooters were shot by police.
There were drive by shootings at the other hotels. The front windows were shot out.

Jeff Rense will probably run this program again on a Sunday encore. He is doing a reporter's job in this in assembling information and audio evidence. The Thorton's are absolute proof in testimony from family members there, that there were multiple shooters in Las Vegas.

Nuff Said
