As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As a wee sapling, it must be almost 20 years ago I planted a pear tree, no 2 pear trees, because as a child I loved pears more than anything. I learned that like my cousin who cut his pear tree down, that pears I grow are not like the Bartlet which one used to be able to purchase in being wonderful fruit, but my variety of Arctic pear gets old after the first three.
They also like to rot from the inside out, and I get to watch these pears grow, look pretty and then be a big disappointment.
I tried canning some.......they look like cat shit.
So frustrated and being Lutheran, I came back to my roots, which meant you go pick some rhubarb, cut it up, go frown at some pears and peal them, dump in sugar and then add jello.
I decided to make a pie in this, and was stunned that it was good. It was so good that the leftover jam I had in a jar and it was really good on sourdough.
This is sort of the recipe, as the recipe I tried I had to use lemon juice to get some kick to it, as it was too sweet.
1 cup water
4 pears pealed and minced.
7 stalks of rhubarb (cups)
3 cups of sugar
1 package strawberry jello
I don't measure things as I hate that stuff, but here is about how it goes in you peal the pears with a potato pealer, and you can puree them in a food processor or mash them with a potato masher after cooked, as you boil this to break down the rhubarb.
Ok, dice up the rhubarb, then put the cup of water in a bit sauce pan, like 8 quart at least. Put the rhubarb in and the sugar (I used 5 cups sugar and it was too sweet, so back to 3) and pears and let it bubble, being careful not be be splattered on in the hot sauce.
When the big pieces are rendered to mush, take it from the stove, and stir in the jello.
Seal it in your jelly jars, and put them in the fridge before use as it firms it up better.
Do not burn yourself, but you can taste it for tartness. I did that, and as it was too sweet, I added lemon juice, which made this sort of taste like strawberry jam more.
The short of this is, pears suck as a fruit group when you grow them, and for God's reason, pears and rhubarb actually go together very nicely. The jello is cheaper than buying strawberries, and if you do not eat too much of this crap it will no affect your body as it does mine when I eat too much of this jello crap.
Oh it makes the prettiest florescent type pinkish jam. I prefer wide mouth jars too for everything.
Nuff Said