I think, therefore am I?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Sometimes good ideas for vanity think they are good ideas, until reality catches up.
A Tribute to the Thinking Woman
I thought this was a good idea, until a train came and ran me over.
I thought ballet slippers in a thistle patch was a good idea until my feet were bloody stumps.
I thought sitting on a log was a good idea until I got splinters in my twat.
I thought being like Eve and eating fruit was a good idea.
I thought sitting in bigfoot's lair was a good idea until the sex began.
I thought being a sexy bear in the woods was a good idea until I got shot during season.
I thought riding double on a bike was fun till the handle bar shoved up my pussy.
I thought posing by an old car was great until I got fire ants up my ass.