Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Watching the Girls of Vegas

I just want to pout and cry as life is hard for a multi millionaire!


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While there will appear tomorrow here a greater exploration of the Las Vegas incident involving Stephen Paddock, I have noticed that this blog is being trolled again in those seeking my identity, and the fact that the situations this blog first pointed out were not making any sense concerning Paddock has ballooned into False Flag, multiple shooters and now the Filipino maul is back as a person of interest.


 As stated will have more on this tomorrow, but from Michael Chertoff being fingered in this in 4Chan a month ago for the selling of high end body scanners in Vegas, business, malls and schools, in following suit of past operations of Joker events, it stands to reason that in times past a half dozen events in real Sandy Hooks would follow according to historical groups of like events.

What captured my attention most was the fraud British in press and politic have been all over this shooting, in Theresa May now trying to shatter the US Constitution as Prime Minister. This push came early and hard out of Great Britain in meddling in US politics, faster than with democrats. That is what set off the red flashing lights for me.

Theresa May: Shock of Las Vegas attack could be catalyst to ...

Read Theresa May: Shock of Las Vegas attack could be catalyst to finally tighten US gun laws latest on ITV News. All the World news

As stated will have more on this tomorrow, but it is troubling to see forces at work looking to destroy the trust in the system that CIA Director William Colby was most interested in preserving to protect society from riot.

There is a major push in this in propaganda and it does remind one of past clusters of events which appeared, and then came gun control and just like that the psycho shootings stopped, and it had nothing to do with the laws.

This is now going full throttle and it will not do this nation any good, as that is not what is intended.

The SOUND Of The Mandaly Bay M-60 Machine Gun - Vid
Police Can't Find A Paddock Motive - 'We Have No Idea'
...Because THERE WAS NONE - Paddock Was A Patsy

Patsy Paddock - Who, How, Why And WTF?
Slimeball Hillary Attacks NRA Over Vegas Massacre
Slaughter in Las Vegas
Anonymous 4chan Post Of Looming Vegas Attack

There will be more insights tomorrow, but do not get caught watching the girls of Vegas  as the evidence is not backing the story, and in this, more events always followed to push forward the policy which was behind all of this from the start.
