Tuesday, October 31, 2017

What did Hollywood's Elite know about a Pedophile?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

By now, we have read of the disturbing details of the father who produced Kevin Spacey, and how his older brother refused to have children so as not to perpetuate the pedophile gene in order to spare children from the criminal disorder, but what is haunting in this is Rosie O'Donnell stated that everyone heard stories about Kevin Spacey and knew. Seth McFarland a decade ago had a pedophile remark in a cartoon concerning Kevin Spacey, so the reality is, just what did all of these liberal Hollywood, Trump hating, American Christian loathing stars know about a pedophile, and they stood silent and covered everything up.

Meryl Streep could come out and condemn the Jew, Harvey Weinstein, but she has remained absolutely silent on what she knows about Kevin Spacey.

Perhaps it is time that a federal prosecutor backed by the FBI begin asking Hollywood stars who were best friends with Kevin Spacey what they saw, were involved with and heard, concerning "the stories yet to come out about Kevin Spacey".

Jack Lemmon apparently visited Kevin Spacey as a 13 year old boy in school and later became a mentor to Spacey. Just what was going on with Jack Lemmon and Kevin Spacey?

As a 13-year-old Spacey received encouragement from Jack Lemmon during the actor's visit to Spacey's school. They ultimately appeared together in several films, including the TV movie of Eugene O'Neill's "Long Day's Journey Into Night," "The Murder of Mary Phagan," and the big screen adaptation of David Mamet's "Glengarry Glen Ross".

What did Tom Hanks and his wife know about the man who tried to have sex with a 14 year old boy as Hanks, his wife and Spacey were joined at the hip with Bill Clinton, often invited to the White House.

Rita Wilson, Tom Hanks and their friend Kevin Spacey

Ben Stiller and his tennis buddy, Kevin Spacey,  watching players in tight shorts


Natalie Portman swooning over her good friend, Kevin Spacey



Colin Firth and his good friend, Kevin Spacey


Flaming Ian McKellen posing with Kevin Spacey, what did McKellen know?

Jon Hamm, and democratic 2020 presidential hopeful Tom Hanks again
with good friend Kevin Spacey


Julianne Moore and her good friend Kevin Spacey


Trump hater, Bradley Cooper and his good friend Kevin Spacey

Oh look a host of Hollywood leftists, all selfie with Bradley Cooper again
and there is Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Las Vegas Massacre Ellen,
Meryl Streep again, Leonardo DiCarprio 
and in back, Kevin Spacey


Leonardo DiCaprio seeking out good friend, Kevin Spacey


Julia Roberts and her good friend, Kevin Spacey


Denzel Washington, looking like he discovered Kevin Spacey's
hand was boldly going where no man had gone before.


The neo Trump hater, Jimmy Kimmel and his good friend, Kevin Spacey
giving the ole thumbs up........

.......and they are all silent. Numbers of them could not condemn the Jew, Harvey Weinstein fast enough, but when it comes to pedophiles, not one of them have condemned Kevin Spacey and his attacks upon children.
Why is that, and why is no one asking these  Hollywood  liberals why they are still remaining silent as children are being raped.

