Monday, October 9, 2017

Who Really Is Jesus Campos?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Something about the "security guard" who was shot by Stephen Paddock did not ring true to this blogger, and now over a week into this, this "hero" in story has changed completely. I wondered why this "security guard" was shot, and now there is the real question in what this "security guard" was doing trying to get into Stephen Paddock's rooms BEFORE ANY SHOTS WERE FIRED?

Police have dramatically changed their account of how the Las Vegas massacre began on Oct. 1, revealing Monday that the gunman shot a hotel security guard six minutes before opening fire on a country music concert — raising new questions about why police weren’t able to pinpoint the gunman’s location sooner.
Officials had previously said that gunman Stephen Paddock, 64, of Mesquite, Nev., shot Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos after Paddock had unleashed his deadly volley at the Route 91 Harvest festival, an assault that began at 10:05 p.m.
They had credited Campos, who was shot in the leg, with stopping the 10-minute assault on the concert crowd by turning the gunman’s attention to the hotel hallway, where Campos was checking an alert for an open door in another guest’s room.
But Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Monday that Paddock shot Campos before his mass shooting — at 9:59 p.m. — and they now don’t know why Paddock stopped his attack on the crowd.

Paddock, who had placed security cameras outside his room, shot Campos through the door of his suite, which was outfitted with a camera to survey the hallway, as was a room service cart parked outside. Police have said that Paddock fired 200 rounds into the hallway.

This is damning, because the "security guard's" story is one which makes no sense. He supposedly kept another employee from entering the corridor from being shot, but what was Jesus Campos doing in that area, after being shot at 200 times, and why had he not alerted dispatch, as the Police version was he was the one who stopped the shooting by trying to enter the room and "why the police delayed", but now we discover that the first time the police saw him, was Campos coming down in the elevator, which would be at least a half hour after the shooting began.

What we have is a "security guard" attempting to enter a room for absolutely no reason as there was not any firing from the room. This means that whoever, whether it was Stephen Paddock opened fire on someone they thought was armed and entering their room without reason. The reasoning in thinking Campos was armed was the 200 bullets fired, and the non pursuit.

Now put yourself in the Paddock room in what you would do.

You just had someone try to get into your room and surprised you. You drove them off in a security guard with 200 rounds around 13 minutes before he firing began, yet NO ONE HEARD THOSE 200 ROUNDS. Yet Jesus Campos does not alert his superiors nor the police. He stays on that floor after "being shot in the leg through the door we are told.
As Paddock supposedly had the  hall wired for visual, why did he not shoot up, instead of down as if attempting to wound and not kill.

Again, you are planning to shoot up  Countryfest, you have been discovered, and you wait for the last set or 13 minutes to open up on the crowd,  AS IF YOU ARE WAITING AND COORDINATING WITH OTHER SHOOTERS.
You do not leave, as Sheriff Lombardo stated that Paddock meant in his Tannerite van to leave the scene, and yet he stays knowing he has been discovered.

That makes absolutely no sense, unless Campos was known to not be alerting his superiors or police by Paddock for some reason, and it makes no sense, unless there were no shots fired in the hall to make sounds, but that more casings were thrown into the hall, as they were strewn over Paddock's dead body.

There is something  wrong in this as is now obvious. For 8 days the police narrative has been absolutely WRONG and now it has been leaked out that all of this started with Jesus Campos and did not end with him at the room door.

The more this unravels, the more it looks like the murder of LaVoy Finicum in the locals being told one thing while those in charge from DC knowing a great deal more than is  being revealed.

It all comes back to the glaring  flashing red light in this, in what was Jesus Campos doing trying to get into that room as he had no reason to be on the 32nd floor and trying to enter a room. This is a person of interest along with thee entire Mandalay security staff.

Who really is Jesus Campos?

'I don't know what happened to him': Crying friend says Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock cared about everybody and tried to make people happy

  • Lisa Crawford had worked for Stephen Paddock as his property manager at one of his apartments for six years up until 2012
  • She broke down during a TV interview as she told of how Paddock was generous
  • Crawford added that she couldn't see anything in the lead up to the massacre that would explain why Paddock cracked


What happened to Stephen Paddock? He looks like he was Oswalded as more evidence filters out.

