Monday, October 30, 2017

Why Kevin is that Boy on your Breath?

Little boy would you like to play with Daddy.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One knows things are very bad for an obnoxious liberal with Clinton pedophilia ties, when Kevin Spacey comes out queer in order to save himself from being prosecuted for molesting children.





Fury over Apology...

'As those closest to me know, in my life I have had relationships with both men and women. I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man.
'I want to deal with this honestly and openly and that starts with examining my own behaviour.'

The reality is of Kevin Spacey in those who have had run ins with him, suffered him and been used by him, is that he never was an actor, but was portraying himself from the time his first big break came on Stephen J. Cannell's Wise Guy, and for obvious reasons now, the c*cksucking Spacey bent for the right producers and his career took off in playing the same character over and over, as he played himself.

It is particularly repulsive to sodomites who have invested a great deal of propaganda into the fiction that there are not sugar daddies and sugar boys, as much as sugar mamas and sugar girls, when Ellen DeGenneris and Kevin Spacey are poster posers for the stereotype, of old gays using young people for sex and rewarding them with gifts and jobs.

This blog posted on this long ago in uncovering what Kevin Spacey was and is, from his inviting children over to his room, the adults leaving, the girls leaving and only the little boys staying in the end. Kevin Spacey was a walking hard on, in coming onto males non stop, making hostile work environments and "getting what he wanted".

Now the legal question arises as much as the political question, in why is not Jeff Sessions, and the Attorney Generals of several US States from California to New York not opening investigations, as much as the Queen's Counsel in London, as Spacey was prowling around the world for decades.
Again revisit the Lolita Express or the Pedophile Express to Africa where Bill Clinton had at least two little girls on board who were being sexually exploited Jeffrey Epstein, and sitting there taking it all in or satan knows what involved was Kevin Spacey.

It all comes from House of Cards  in the question Kevin Spacey spat out, if a man had "Cock on your breath", but now it is Spacey who must face federal and state investigators about "Boy on your breath".

Cock on ur breath - YouTube

Why Kevin Spacey's accent in House of Cards ... How to treat a woman with Dick breath ... House of Cards Supercut: The Best of Kevin Spacey's ...

Kevin Spacey was employed, because his employers all were in boy butts and had boy on their breath, as the lesbians all had little girls as their toys. As Rosie O'Donnell now says they all knew stories, Kevin Spacey is but an extension of the billionaires who molested children and raped boys like Corey Haim and Corey Feldman.

Ashley Judd can prance around and try to get attention concerning Harvey Weinstein, but this is about CHILDREN who have absolutely no protectors, and that includes Ashley Judd who did nothing to stop any of this as she kept silent, but is once again looking for a way to exploit a situation for an Oscar.

Ashley Judd reveals her methods for shutting down sexual harassers as she recalls just how much 'moxie' it took to say 'no' to Harvey

Yes children are being destroyed, but let's all focus on Ashley Judd, instead of the real problem destroying our world.

And lastly from Boy On Your Breath Spacey, there is this horrific story of what kind of cesspool spawned Kevin Spacey.


Kevin Spacey with his raped brother, Randall Fowler,
who confesses Spacey was raised by liberal child rapists

Kevin Spacey was brought up by a Nazi father who raped his brother and brutalized his family so badly that they called him The Creature, his older brother exclusively told the 
Now, as the Oscar-winning actor faces allegations of trying to seduce Star Trek's Antony Rapp when he was just 14 years old and of sexually assaulting a relative of former US news anchor Heather Unruh, the truth of his own troubled upbringing has been revealed.
Spacey's older brother Randall Fowler, 62, described the current allegations leveled at his brother as 'disturbing' to, as he acknowledged he had been made aware of them in the early hours of Monday morning.

 Spacey  and The Creature

Kevin Spacey is worse than even the Nazis!!!
